A Treat Andrea

That cynical look made Evans seem to know that Andrea didn't like being teased like that.

"I'm sorry," Evans said flatly.

"If you're not serious about helping me, you shouldn't. You've got me wrong. I thought you were a good person!" said Andrea sarcastically.

"Is saying thank you that hard? You don't even know how long you'll live if I don't come," Evans said, annoyed.

"No, I wouldn't thank strangers," Andrea said.

"Then I have to do this."

Evans picked up Andrea and carried her into the luxurious but mysterious house.

"Het put me down. Master! Do you want to kidnap me? Master!" Andrea was frightened and confused as Evans carried her.

"You've been kidnapped; what's the harm if it happens again. I would never touch you anyway," Evans teased.

"Not touching me? Then what is this? You're touching my whole body!" shouted Andrea in annoyance.

Evans led Andrea into the house. But more like a hotel than a house. They were greeted by two guards who opened the door.

"Welcome, Mr. Evans," the two guards greeted.

"Hmm," said Evans.

Andrea is confused; why is this house so big. A middle-aged woman wearing full uniform approached Evans.

"Welcome, Mr. Evans," said the old woman who was the housekeeper.

"Make room for her. Don't let anyone come into her room except the maid I agree with and me," Evans said.

"Yes, sir," replied the woman.

"Her name is Madam Kim, and she is the heart of this house. You can ask her anything about this house," Evans explained to Andrea.

"I don't care. I just want to go home," said Andrea, who was still in Evans' arms.

"I wonder what you're eating. You're so heavy," Evans muttered, ignoring Andrea's words. He climbed the stairs and led Andrea to the second floor.

"Where are you taking me?" Andrea asked.

"My room," Evans replied curtly.

"What? Wasn't your house in the apartment back then..."

"It's one of my properties," Evans replied.

"Is my body too tempting? Why do you rich people want to take me hostage?" Andrea wanted to rebel, but her body was frail because Rendy held her for several days.

"I'm not attracted to you. Don't get me wrong!" said Evans coldly.

"Who misunderstood? You forced me here, even though I wanted to go home. Never mind, I'm tired. If you want to finish me off, just do it..."

" ... I also don't know how to live my life after all this mess," Andrea said desperately.

Evans just smiled sarcastically and went into his room, which was very dark.

"Are you a vampire? Why is there no light in here?" asked Andrea, who was confused by the condition of Evans' room.

Not like his figure, who looks fierce and looks elite. This room is tranquil. There was only a bed, a cupboard and a table with nothing on it.

Evans placed Andrea on the bed carefully. Then he sat down at his empty table. Andrea didn't touch him one bit.

"Then what after this? What are you going to do?" Andrea asked in her flaccid state.

"Wait a minute," Evans said.


There was a knock on the door from the front of Evans' room.

"Come in!" Evans said.

Evans' door opened. Madam Kim came with a woman wearing a doctor's robe.

"I came with a doctor," said Madam Kim.

"Okay," Evan replied.

Madam Kim let the doctor in while she didn't go into Evans' room. But she closed the door to Evans' room and locked it from the outside.

The doctor looked worried because he was locked from the outside.

"Relax, I'm not going to do anything. I need some privacy. You just do your thing," Evans said.

"Very well," said the doctor as he approached Andrea.

He checked the condition of Andrea, who looked weak and helpless. He also took a blood sample for testing. With the device the doctor had, he could quickly find out the test results from Andrea.

He took the stethoscope and placed it on Andrea's chest. Check Andrea's heart rate and eye condition.

Andrea just resigned when the doctor examined her even though she wanted to rebel. While Evans just sat in his chair without a clear expression.

"This lady's condition..."

"Andrea, my name is Andrea," Andrea interrupted as the doctor was about to speak to Evans.

"Oh, sorry, Miss Andrea's condition is not serious. It's just that she may have been traumatized for some reason," said the doctor.

Evans and Andrea didn't say anything about Rendy's confinement and Rendy's coercion into having sex with the opposite sex.

"Okay, just give him the recipe. Erm, I mean, let Madam Kim take care of it," Evan said.

"Okay, sir. I'll put in an infusion because Miss Andrea is very weak. And feed her regularly and drink lots of water," said the doctor.

"Fine," said Evans.

The doctor immediately put an infusion on Andrea; after finishing all his work to make sure the infusion flow was smooth, the doctor said goodbye and left Evans' room after Madam Kim opened the door outside.

Evans approached Andrea, who was asleep after receiving treatment from the doctor. He looked at Andrea's face, which was bruised and bruised from the blow that Rendy had given her.

"Too bad you beautiful girl," Evans muttered.

But Evans didn't want to stare at Andrea for too long. He immediately turned his face away.

Madam Kim came in to report to Evans.

"Miss Andrea's room is ready, sir," said Madam Kim.

"Okay, I'll see. Don't wake her up. Let her sleep until he wakes up on his own.

"Yes, sir," said Madam Kim.


Andrea woke up to find herself still in Evans' room. She tried to get up and felt her whole body ache uncontrollably.

"I'm still in this haunted house?" Andrea muttered while holding her head.

She saw the infusion in her hand and immediately pulled it out. She got off the bed staggeringly. Opening the door to the room and then walking inside the luxurious house with a haunting impression.

"Who wants to live in a haunted house like this?" Andrea muttered as she walked to look at this house.

"Andrea!" someone's voice made Andrea stop.

"You?" Andrea narrowed her eyes.

It turns out he was Kenand Evans' private secretary.

Kenand immediately approached Andrea, who looked shabby and messy because he was held captive without being given a proper change of clothes and not treated like a human.

"Where's Mr. Evans?" Kenand asked.

"Who is Mr. Evans?" Andrea asked, confused.

"The owner of this house. The man who helped you, his name is Mr. Evan. The boss of the bosses" said Kenand.

"Ah, that lunatic," Andrea muttered sarcastically.
