Beautiful Punishment

"No dress? Are you serious about what you say?" Evans said as if intimidating Andrea.

"Yeah, I don't have a dress at all," Andrea said.

Evans put his hands on his hips while staring intently at Andrea.

"Where's Alex?" Evans said.

Everyone seemed reluctant to look at Evans. Meanwhile, Andrea was confused as to why people were so afraid of Evans.

Kenand rushes to find Alex. At the same time, Evans was still staring at Andrea.

'Why is he looking at me like that? Is he working on me?' Andrea muttered to herself.

"You underestimate me?" Evans said.

"What?" Andrea increasingly did not understand the situation that was happening. Evans was utterly different from the one she saw at home.

'So you're this kind of person?' said Andrea in her heart.

But she could see Evans was holding back his smile even though it was very faint. Was he pranking Andrea? Or he wanted to show his power to Andrea.

Soon Alex came in a dress. He approached Andrea and Evans.