Fall and Tempted

"If it were me, maybe I would have chosen Felix above all else," said Andrea.

Evans chuckled at Andrea's answer as if teasing him. It suddenly made Andrea squint her eyes.

"You underestimate me?" said Andrea fiercely.

"Why are you so stupid about men. When in other things you are so strict. What kind of love do you live that you are willing to sacrifice your principles of life?" quipped Evans.

"Well, that's my stupidity. I won't deny it even if time rewinds. That moment is still beautiful in my memory," said Andrea.

"Huh, you really are stupid. That's why men so easily fool you. But why can't I do that to you? What's wrong?" Evans said.

"Because I've learned not to be stupid like I used to be," Andrea said.

"Oh, that's great. I agree. But in this place, you have to obey the rules. Not only you, everyone in this place must obey the rules. Because those are the basic rules and principles of the creation of DC," said Evans.