who's listen

Evans followed Kenand's footsteps out of the house.

"If you want to follow me, you'd better go to the dormitory," said Kenand.

"I'm just walking you to the car," Evans said.

Kenand took a deep breath. He then rushed into the car. And Evans followed him to the car door.

"Especially?" Kenand asked, annoyed.

"Cheers," Evans said.

"You crazy boss," Kenand cursed.

"What are you saying!" shrieked Evans.

Kenand immediately started the car and gasped, leaving Evans.

"Hey, hey! You have to report, you have to!" shouted Evans.

"Mr. Evans," Madam Kim approached Evans, who was in front of the house.

"Oh, Madam Kim, what's wrong?" asked Evans.

"You forgot to take your medicine today," said Madam Kim, handing her a tray of medicine and a glass of water.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot. Sorry," Evans said.

"You don't need to apologize. But I hope you don't do it again. I don't want the same thing to happen again," said Madam Kim.