Two Foxes

"Men have always liked to brag. I wouldn't be interested," said Karlina as she took a sip of Felix's coffee.

"If you don't believe me, I don't mind, Mrs. Karlina," Felix said, looking at his boss.

Karlina smiled at Felix. She stared at the man. Inside, Karlina was really disgusted by this man. But she had to do this because of her master's duty.

"You're handsome too," Karlina said.

"You could. If I were handsome, there would have been a lot of people waiting in line to be with me," Felix said.

"Maybe you're too cold for them not to come near you. Or..."

"Or what, madam mayor?" Felix asked in a curious and seductive tone.

"You really can't get close to women," Karlina said with a smile.

"Eumm ... ha, ha, ha. Is that so?" Felix chuckled at Karlina's words. Although in his heart, he felt offended by Karlina's words.

"You're mad?" she asked.

"Why should I be angry. You may have an opinion," Felix said.