
Alex managed to overcome the commotion that occurred among the members of DC. Although at certain times, they still gossip about it.

"Laura! You'll meet me in my room," said Alex as they were about to end their class today.

"Okey, Alex" Laura said.

Alex looked at the members one by one to see who seemed to be hiding something.

'They are now very good at acting,' thought Alex.

After class, Alex went straight to his room. As he passed Evans' room, he didn't see Kenand up ahead.

"They're not in the office?" mumbled Alex.

"Mr. Evans to the parliament building," Stella suddenly whispered in Alex's ear.

"Hah!" Alex was surprised that Stella suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Why are you surprised?" Stella asked in surprise.

"Why did you appear all of a sudden? Don't be like that!" shrieked Alex.

"You just ignore other people. Fix your attitude. Don't be too obsessed with Mr. Evans," Stella said.