Mature Plan

Returning to meet Anthony, Evans and Kenand returned to DC. However, Evans did not go to his room. He went to romance because there was no class today.

"Mr. Evans to the dorms! Don't make any mistakes," said Stella, the female dormitory manager, as she walked over to warn the dorm members.

The members rushed to make their beds. Meanwhile, Alex is also busy with the men's dorm.

"Get rid of everything that's causing trouble! I don't want Mr. Evans to know that he's had things go wrong again. Enough of that test peck!" Stella ordered.

Meanwhile, Evans and Kenand had entered the front of the dormitory. Kenand looked at his watch, counting down.

"Three, two, one..."

The DC members were already standing in front of their dorm room doors.

Evans looked at them as he walked one by one to the members' rooms.


A sigh of relief was heard. After that room was just passed by Evans.

"Where's Andrea's room?" asked Evans.