Anthony's Worried

Anthony was standing on the edge of the pier. Evans' yacht had pulled over. Several people were seen getting off the ship.

"Where's my brother?" murmured Anthony.

Karlina went down with Kris, her assistant. She saw Anthony, who was standing on the edge of the pier.

"Mr. Anthony," Karlina greeted as she lifted her sunglasses.

"Yes," said Anthony coldly.

"Why are you so cold to me? Since yesterday, I have wanted to greet you, but I didn't have time. I'm sorry," Karlina said.

"I don't think you have much time. An official, two days without work. Are there no sanctions from the government? I am a civilian. I really regret your attitude," said Anthony.

Karlina was a little offended by Anthony's words. Shee changed the subject.

"What's wrong with Mr. Evans? Last night he left the ship in a hurry without any notification. The members are wondering what the problem is," said Karlina.