Pretend to Miss

Andrea went into her new room. She threw himself on the bed and remained silent.

"I haven't seen him all day," Andrea muttered.

The image of the kiss that occurred between her and Evans replayed. Andre sighed in annoyance because she remembered something she shouldn't have wanted.

"Andrea, don't get me wrong. He's not after you. He's done it to other women too," he said.


Felix was standing in front of Andrea's old house. The house he used to go to often to fall in love with Andrea.

Felix knocking the door.

"Andrea! Are you in there? Andrea! It's me, Felix! Let's talk!" call Felix.

But no one opened the door, and Felix tried to pull the lever on the locked door. But the result is the same. There was no one in the house.

A car stopped in front of Andrea's house. Felix turned his head towards the show to see who it was.