The Salon

Evans' car stopped in front of Andrea's copy. Andrea is about to come down. But Evans held him back.

"Don't take too long. And be careful," Evans said.

"Aren't you coming down?" Andrea asked.

"No, I'm not interested in meeting your friends," Evans said, making excuses. He didn't want anyone to see his face.

"Okay, I'll try it soon," said Andrea.

The girl then got out of Evans' car. Evans could only stare at Andrea, who got out of his vehicle and immediately entered the salon where he worked.

Evans then took his cell phone. He saw the list of missed calls.

"Madam Kim, you're so talkative. Today I'm going to have fun," Evans said.

Meanwhile, Andrea entered the salon to meet her friends.

"Hi," said Andrea.

Andrea's co-worker Stevy turned in the direction of the voice.

"Andrea!" shrieked Stevy. She immediately approached Andrea and hugged her.

"How are you?" Andrea asked in Stevy's arms.