Evans Angry

Andrea sat next to Laura, crying because of Evans' rejection.

"What are your advantages over me? Why does Mr. Evans prefer you? Is it because you are beautiful? Does someone like me not deserve to be with him? I only ask for one night with him," Laura said, sobbing.

"Laura, you're still young. Maybe he'd feel guilty if he did that to you. You've never been in love, have you?" said Andre.

"I want to do it the first time with him. After that, even if he will fuck the other members, I will not care," said Laura.

"You can't be like this. When a man keeps your honor, you should be happy," Andrea said.

"I love it when Mr. Evans wants to touch me!" screamed Laura.

Anthony came out of his house and approached Laura and Andrea, who had been talking for a long time.

"He won't come out," Anthony told the girls.

Laura's cries grew louder. And Andrea hugged Laura to calm her down.