Bump In To Evans

Andrea lay restlessly on the mattress in Anthony's room. She turned her body back and forth, uneasy thinking about Laura.

"Andrea, what are you doing?" Andrea said to herself.

Anthony decided to see Andra's condition. He knocked on the door of the room where Andre was sleeping.

"Andrea, are you asleep? If anything happens. I'm outside, don't hesitate to ask for help," said Anthony.

Andrea did not answer Anthony's words. He did not want to trouble his younger brother, Christopher John Evans.

However, being too restless, Andrea immediately got up. She opened the door and found Anthony.

"May I borrow your phone?" Andrea asked.

"Phone? It's on the table," said Anthony.

"I'll borrow it for a moment," Andrea said as she headed to the table, Anthony pointed to.

Andrea opened Anthony's cell phone, which was not given a pattern lock, and looked for someone's contact.

"Press number one for my brother," said Anthony.