Broken Heart

After Andrea and Evans' business was done, they immediately returned to DC because it was getting late.

"Are you sure you're coming home?" Evans asked when they were in front of the DC building. Still in Evans' car.

"Of course, I have to go back to DC. You asked me to stay here. Doesn't the agency have dorms or facilities?" Andrea said.

"No, right now, you can't go anywhere other than DC. Sometimes he will take you by a car when you do training there. He will also take care of you," said Evans.

"I doubt it, Evans. I've never done anything like this before," Andrea said.

"You just need to focus on what you're doing. Sing, entertain everyone in this country," Evans said.

"Can my voice comfort other people?" Andrea asked.

"Sure. I've heard it. And it's perfect," Evans said.

"You said it was noisy," said Andrea.

"I was just kidding," Evans said.