That's Happen

Karlina, in her office, was checking the work that was piling up.

"I'd go crazy if I had to do all this. I don't fit in all of this," Karlina said, annoyed.

There was a knock on the door from outside. Karlina, who was inside, also invited someone in.

"Come in," said Karlina.

The door opened.

Felix entered from outside carrying several piles of files.

"I got the governor's signature. However, the land issue is still tough," said Felix.

"Jesus, I've even done what he wanted. It's tough to convince Rendy Wijaya," Karlina muttered, annoyed.

"There's something I have to settle with him, Ma'am. And that's the only thing that can melt him, Rendy," Felix said.

Karlina raised her eyebrows. She knew what Felix meant. But she couldn't believe Felix would say that to him.