Andrea's Activity

Rendy was in a hurry to find Leo, his grandfather's assistant.

"Leo! Leo!" call Rendy.

He walked into his grandfather's office. But did not find Leo at all.

"Where is he?" Rendy mumbled, annoyed.

He walked towards Leo's room but didn't meet Leo either.

"Aaargh! Damn it!" Rendy cursed.

Then he headed to his office. At that time, he saw Felix entering his grandfather's office.

"Why is he here?" he muttered to himself.

Felix tried to follow Felix, who entered his grandfather's room. Then from outside, try to hear their words.

"Andrea has appeared, Mr. Wijaya," said Felix.

"Where?" asked Wijaya.

"She became a singer, sir," Felix said.

"Singer? How come?" shouted Wijaya.

Rendy vaguely managed to catch what he heard.

"What is Grandpa looking for, Andrea? Is it because of me?" Rendy muttered to himself.