
Andrea just stayed in the car with Evans. Because Evans was desperate to get her out, her stomach felt really hungry.

Evans led his car to a gas station. He wanted to shower because he had not had time to shower earlier at Anthony's house.

"Call your manager. Tell her you with me. She must be worried even though I told Lee," Evans said as he handed Andrea his cell phone.

"Where are you going?" Andrea asked doubtfully.

"I have to take a shower. I don't like all this sweat," Evans said.

"Okay, Evans," Andrea said as she took Evans' phone.

"Don't get out of the car. Put on your glasses. Someone out there will recognize you," Evans said.

"Okay," Andrea said, looking for her sunglasses.

"Where do I put it?" Andrea muttered.

Evans sighed, then grabbed something from the dashboard of the car.

"Put this on," Evans said.

"It's yours," Andrea said, still looking in her bag.