
Finally, Andrea and Mr. Lee stopped by for lunch in DC. Andrea chose to have lunch at the DC cafeteria. When she went to that place. All eyes looked at her.

"Why are they staring at me? Aren't I a member here too!" Andrea muttered.

"Andrea!" someone greets Andrea. When he turned around, it was Sarah.

"Oh, hi!" Andrea returned Sarah's greeting.

Sarah immediately approached Andrea as if they had been close.

"Why did you come to DC?" Sarah asked, picking up a tray to line up for food.

"I stopped by for lunch. The director is eating with Evans," Andrea said.

"Ah, Mr. Lee," said Sarah.

"You know, Mr. Lee?" Andrea asked.

"Of course. He's a close friend of Mr. Evans. This is the second time he's been to DC," Sarah said.

"Hmm, I see," said Andrea.

They lined up the food one by one until the end. Until finally, Andrea wanted to find a seat.