Offer To Marriage

After the concert, Silvy and Andrea planned to return to Jayakarta immediately. However, because Rendy Wijaya was waiting at the front, the plan had to fail.

Andrea got into the car driven by Rendy Wijaya. When Silvy was about to enter, Rendy forbade her.

"Just me and Andrea," said Rendy.

"Not!" shouted Andrea.

"We'll just talk. I promise," said Rendy.

"Then talk here!" Andrea replied in a sharp tone.

"I can't. I'll take you somewhere," said Rendy.

"Then my manager must be with me. Or I'll call the guards to follow me," said Andrea.

"Okay, okay. This time I will give in," said Rendy.

 Finally, Silvy went with them again. Rendy took Andrea to a place like a motel.

"You said you wanted to talk? Why did you bring me here? I'm leaving now!" Andrea's the hard drive.

"If you leave, the fate of the manager and your baby will be in my hands," said Rendy.

"Rendy!" shouted Andrea.