Stuck with Him

"Anthony, we still have guests!" said Laura, who had just entered the house with Anthony.

"To hell with them. I want to be with you soon," said Anthony as he hugged Laura's body.

They kissed great in the living room. Anthony's hands did not hesitate to touch every part of Laura's body.

"Aaah, what if someone sees?" she whispered.

"We are the bride and groom. They will understand."

Anthony pushed Laura onto the couch. And he immediately took off his clothes.

"Anthony! Not now!" she screamed.

"I want it now, Honey," Anthony immediately bumped into Laura's body and crushed her lips completely.

Even though Laura was still wearing her wedding dress. But Anthony didn't care anymore. He just wanted Laura right now.

While Andrea and Evans have yet to have a chance to leave, they are stuck in front of the bathroom.

Hearing Anthony and Laura, there was no way they would suddenly pass by and make the atmosphere even more awkward.