Smile Again

"You don't have to tell me, Anthony. I understand, too," Catherine said.

"Why did you keep quiet?" asked Anthony.

"Because I saw Evans smiling. He was smiling after he had been so hurt for so long," said Catherine.

Anthony was silent. He realized what his mother had said. It was true. Many things had happened to Evans since he and Andrea separated. And he saw Evans smiling, laughing so happily with Philips. The child he didn't realize was his.

"Let's go down," Catherine said.

"Yes," said Anthony.

Meanwhile, Evans walked downstairs carrying Philips. He scolded the boy for daring to leave home without telling his grandmother.

"Why do you often go upstairs by yourself? What if there are wild animals up there?" Evans scolded.

Philips just smiled at Evans. The boy was really happy when Evans came to this place. It was also because of the inner bond that they became close.
