The Old Man

"Evans," Mr. Lee greeted Evans.

"Lee? Why don't you go to DC?" asked Evans, who was quite surprised because Lee suddenly came to DC without being asked Evans.

"Andrea asked me to tell you she's gone for a few days to take care of something," Mr. Lee said.

"A few days?" muttered Evans.

"Don't panic. She will not run away. Currently, sje is in the process of divorce. She will be in Jayakarta. She will only be gone for a few days," said Mr. Lee.

"You know where she is?" he asked.

"Yes, I know," said Mr. Lee.

"In that case, I have no problem. As long as his whereabouts are known," said Evans.

"Andrea didn't talk to you?" asked Mr. Lee curiously. Was it true that Evans did not know that he had children?

"What are you talking about?" he asked.

"Hmm..." Realizing Evans didn't know the direction of their conversation, he immediately changed the subject. "No, about his relationship with Rendy," said Mr. Lee.