
"Philips," said Anthony.

"Philips? What's wrong with that kid?" Evans asked, not understanding.

"He was kidnapped," said Mr. Lee.

"You know Philips, Lee?" Evans said.

Evans looked at Mr. Lee with a questioning look.

"Lee!" Evans called.

"Philips is Andrea's son," said Mr. Lee.

"Huh? Andrea? You're not kidding? Whose child is he with? She hasn't... for a while. You know Anthony?" Evans asked.

Anthony just kept quiet. Evans' eyes looked red because he felt something was wrong with their words.

"Who's the father?" Evans asked.

"You," said Mr. Lee.

"Me?" Evans was even more surprised to hear Mr. Lee's words.

"She is now kidnapped by Rendy. I think because of their divorce. And..."

Before Mr. Lee had finished telling Evans, he had already run upstairs to meet Andrea.

Evans opened his bedroom door and found Andrea on the bed with a blank look.

"Andrea!" shrieked Evans.