Meet The Ex

Evans laid Andrea down on the bed. He then pinned her down.

"Let's get married," Evans said.

"Are you sure?" asked Andrea.

"Sure, we got married and left all this nonsense behind," said Evans.

Andrea grabbed Evans by the scruff of the neck, and they clung to each other. Evans quickly grabbed Andrea's clothes and pulled them off.

"Sorry," Evans said.

They continued to wrestle and crush each other. There is no greater pleasure than being with the one you love.

"Andrea," Evans said in between the struggles.

"Uhh, yes, Evans,"

"Tell me you love me," Evans said.

"I love you, aah, aah, Evans, aah!"

Evans' hands squeezed Andrea's twin hills as she pounded her body on top of the girl she loved so much.

They were so lost in the love they had been harboring. Leaving the reality that they eventually meet again to find their way together.

"Evans, I want to be on top," said Andrea.

"Okay, honey," said Evans.