woman in the foto

"I can't believe you won't get involved. I see Kenand's starting to outgrow those two things, too!" Laura squealed.

"Shh, keep your voice down. Isabell is sleeping. It's not going to be like that, Laura. You're a DC member yourself. You should know better. I'll just take care of the company. Not with DC," Anthony said.

Anthony tried to approach Laura and tried to gain her understanding.

"I'm afraid what's wrong with you?" Laura said softly.

Anthony hugged Laura to calm her down.

"Why is your belly growing?" Anthony teased.

"Let go!" Laura rebelled at Anthony's taunts.

"Sorry, sorry. I promise I won't interfere in any political or dangerous matters. We will live a normal life like most people's home life," Anthony said.

"You promise?"

"Hem, I promise. I want to be with you longer. I want to see Isabell grow up, Laura," Anthony said.

Laura kissed Anthony's forehead and then hugged him.

"I love you"