The Intruder | Part 3

The main question still remained unanswered regarding how Ceres found her whereabouts? And if he had changed then how did he manage to pass the gates of the realm without Evilrite' help? There were many questionable glitches and doubts in his theory which raised suspicions. 

However Medusa preferred to remain silent in that moment because if her dad went through all the lengths to patch up with her, then some big lie or reason must have been underlying behind his actions. The sly man would not even give his fever to anyone else, how could he possibly realised his wrongdoings all of a sudden!? 

A smirk appeared on his face as Medusa hugged him, Ceres' plan worked and probably he had gotten successful in winning his daughter's trust. He could not contain his happiness, but didn't want to blow his pretence. 

"So, have you forgiven me?"

Ceres inquired keeping his tone shallow to mask his victory, although he presumed that tricking Medusa wouldn't have been hard.