Relationship Tip!

Medusa became genuinely annoyed by the old man's prying, she had no answer to his questions. And was definitely not in a position to explain anything, because if she said a word about their conversation from yesterday, she had to disclose the incoming of Ceres too.

Although the succubus was surprised how Mr Jones did not sense her father's aura in the house. Every specie had its own peculiar aura to differentiate, which could be tracked and sensed by everyone. It rose her suspicion even though she was relieved for no interrogation in that matter.

Jones poured vegetables in the bowl and mixed it, when he resumed his speech about Kayden. The man was persistent in getting a reply from her no matter what it would be. His eyes were fixed on the changing expressions of the succubus which confirmed his hunch.

"You know sometimes I have trouble in talking to Kayden too. Even though he is my son and I know him inside out, but at times his words hurt me,"