Disappeared aura of Kayden

Medusa and Malcolm entered into a room after being led from at least four corridors. they both carefully inspected every single thing which came into their sight, suspecting that the door could be anywhere. The succubus looked around after entering the room with her arms crossed and gaze carefully inspected the whole surroundings.

"Mhm, are we both staying here? I suppose not."

She turned around to look straight towards the butler, Medusa' gaze did not soften and the woman was not trying to hold back any bit too. She knew how Kayden was jealous of Malcolm and thing could possibly get worse if he came to know about her stay with Malcolm in one room.

The butler had never seen such demanding servants in his life but he could not really complain because Lydia brought them in. The man was sure that they both will definitely complain to the mistress for mistreatment. And the butler could not really afford to lose his job because of the financial conditions.