Chapter 7

"Hey? Are you alright?" Naruto asked the girl.

"Why did you saved me?" She asked Naruto.

"Because I know what it feels like to be hated and shunned. So what is your name?" He answered to her.

"The name's Fuu. Holder of Lucky Seven." Fuu said sadly to Naruto.

"Naruto Uzumaki former holder of Nine also known as Katsumi." Naruto said while pointing on his shoulder Katsumi in her small fox form who waved at Fuu.

"How can you bear it?" Fuu asked him.

"Because I have people that actually care and love me for who I am and they keep me sane from the madness." He answered her as the girls blushed at the statement as Satsuki hugs him.

"I guess you are the lucky one." Fuu said sadly.

"How about you joined us Fuu?" He asked her.

"Really?" She said as they nodded.

"But what about Taki?" Fuu asked since she is a Takin in and a Jinchuurki to this village that despise her for something she didn't have a choice.

"Let me handle that but first let's meet your companion inside of you." Naruto said as he and Satsuki fist bump Fuu as they closed their eyes.

*Fuu's Mindscape*

The mindscape was wide and filled with water. There were rocks formations surrounding Chomei with his six wings and middle tail exposed as Kaguya appeared as he prepared a Tail Beast Bomb towards her but she absorbed it.

"How are you even here you psycho!?" Chomei shouted at her, which surprised Fuu since Chomei is usually happy go lucky most of the times and rarely spoke to her.

"I've come to make a proposition." Kaguya said as Chomei gasped that he saw Katsumi here.

"How are you even here Katsumi?" Chomei asked his sister.

"Simple I am complete and free from Naruto-kun's seal." She told him since he remembered before they were captured by Hashirama that she swallowed Ginkaku and Kinkaku when Kumo wanted to captured her for themselves but survived for two weeks by eating the flesh of her stomach, gained some of her chakra after she regurgitated them and took four of the five of Hagoromo's Treasured Tools that he created with his Creation of All Things and sealed them on their arms before Tobirama was killed by them since Ginkaku and Kinkaku wanted to control Kumo due to the influence of Katsumi's chakra during a peace treaty between Tobirama representing Konoha and Ay the Second representing Kumo to be allies and since her soul wasn't present inside of them they became so feral that the chakra was killing them due to her absence.

That's why no person can use Tailed Beast Chakra without the respective Tailed Beast controlling it or at least most of it unless the user has the Rinnegan to control the chakra.

"So what is the offer Kaguya?" He asked with venom on her name.

"Simple I use a bit of yours and your siblings' Chakra to revive the Ten Tails so I can by physically alive and you can be freed but we need the Demonic Statue to revive myself properly." She told him.

"What about humanity that we swore to protect to our creator Hagoromo?" Chomei asked worriedly as Naruto spoke up and filled with Killing Intent.

"When has he ever actually helped you guys? Sure, he created you from the Ten Tails and Kaguya's Chakra but had he ever taught you guys from the good and the bad? He released you when people learned how to use Chakra, he forsaken his own mother due to a toad telling him about her sacrificing people. Sure it's bad but humans by default with power that can easily corrupt them. Now tell me this: What is the most important thing that an Otsusuki can't do?" Naruto ranted to Chomei.

"Never betray the clan." He answered in sadness since it was true that Hagoromo and Hamura betrayed them as Kaguya smirked.

Join us Chomei and you shall never be used again and this is an Otsusuki oath, son." Kaguya told him smiling and her telling him son something that Hagoromo never said before. What Naruto and Satsuki learned about Otsusuki is that they always put family above all even if they do bad things to get what they want as their loyalty is to family only.

"So you two are Naruto and Satsuki, right?" He said and nodded.

"Can you please put your dominant hands up?" He said as both Naruto and Satsuki complied as they fist bump Chomei's hand as they received a bit of his Chakra.

"Consider it as a deal on my part." He said as they looked at Fuu.

"If he gets free doesn't it mean that I will die?" Fuu said.

"Yes. However, if you give me some of your blood I can use Impure World Resurrection to revive completely without Chomei's Chakra holding you back. No offense to you Chomei." He said while apologizing.

"None taken." Chomei told him as they leave the mindscape.

"What it said?" Ada asked Naruto.

"He's a guy and he agrees." Naruto answered as he helped Fuu to seal all her belongings on a sealing scroll as they went to the Kage Office.


Naruto was whistling after he "persuaded" Shibuki the Takikage of the village and by persuaded he meant pointing him a Spiraling Ring towards his chest as Shibuki complied that Fuu leaves the village for the sake of her happiness as the scene pans to dead Taki Nins hanging upside down under the huge tree as blood falls into the lake turning it red.

Before he left, Naruto took Shibuki's valuables like their Forbidden Scroll and artifacts as he wanted to take the Hero's Water but is wortless due to having having access to Six Paths Sage Mode already but took it out of spite as Satsuki used Genjutsu to erase Shibuki's memory of them being in his office as they leaft fake scrolls and artifacts using the Creation of All Things which Naruto could use since he can use Yin-Yang Style so that they think they weren't stolen.

"I wish to have to have the Sharingan just like you Satsuki." Naruto said with a bit jealousy since he was awful at Genjutsu.

"How about this if we find the Masked Man you can steal his Sharingan so how about it." Satsuki told him as she kissed him and he grinned maniacally as they killed more Taki Nin to hang them upside down at the huge tree.

She doesn't care that Naruto killing people since they already accept him for he truly is someone who puts his new family first and would do anything to protect even if they don't admit it.

"Fire Style: Kuroi Taiyō!" Naruto shouted as he split Chakra into fire to the huge tree into a symbol of a black sun showing that a new group was here and brought fear and death in this village as Naruto smirked as his eyes turned red with black sclera.

"Let's roll girls." Naruto said as the group with Fuu who was smiling for real in years as they left Taki with her new friends.

Fuu looked back smiling as her eyes completely turned red like Chomei's as she flips the bird at her former village.