Chapter 16

*Konoha - Hospital*

As they brought the Raikage to heal as gave him metallic parts to replace his limbs since whoever did this wouldn't even let Yamato near as the damages to Ay has some type of toxic smell, as he would become nauseous to give Ay wood limbs that are more fluid for body movements.

"Whoever did this must have been someone who wanted revenge against the village?" Minato asked as Ay was trying to speak.

"It was the Red Death and the Demonic Flame Princess of the Sharingan. Ripped my limbs off and killed my ANBU without sweating and was worst is the Kushina was faster than my Lightning Cloak and that I barely blinked before she strike me and cancelled my cloak with just one kick on my head." Ay growled as everyone gasped that there are people faster than Minato's Hiraishin (Kushina's improved version) and beat a Kage without breaking a sweat.

"Where are the Jinchuuriki of Two and Eight Tails?" Minato asked Ay.

"Yugito must have been killed and Bee went to Turtle Island." Ay answered.

"Let me ask the Toad Sage to send toads to investigate Turtle Island." Minato said as he tried to reverse summon himself but failed until Toad Sage Fukasaku appeared.

"Lord Fukasaku I kindly asked of you if you have available toads to inspect Turtle Island?" Minato asked the current Toad Sage who shook his head.

"No can do former student as there has been a lockdown in all of the summon realms due to a mandatory notification from the high court due to releasing information of the prophecy as the two Grand Sages of the Dragon summons, Phoenix summons and even Kami will be present as the judges. Meaning all summons must drop and suspend all activity with their summoners immediately." Fukasaku said as it shocked Minato since Arashi and Menma have already signed their contracts with their respective summons.

"Oh I forgot about something. Jiraiya and I'm extremely angry and disappointed in you that I want to bash you in the head for fucking my wife Shima." Fukasaku said to Jiraiya as Fukasaku poofed out as everyone backed away from Jiraiya even Minato and Ay.

Shinobis may kill, cheat, rape and lie but having sex with non-humanoid animals even if they evolved from Nature Energy is way out of line even for the super pervert.

*Meanwhile in Uzu – Naruto's bedroom*

As our heroes awoken from their sleep after they saved those six girls from Minato as they were adjusting on living on Uzushiogakure as they felt safer here than elsewhere even Gyuki slowly became sociable with the people present and became a partner to Mikoto as he began to wears shades like Killer Bee to honor him. Naruto saw Mew, Milktank, Celebi, Gardevoir, Mega Mawile, Mega Lopunny, Lucario, Arceus, Zoroark, Meloetta, Tsareena, Tapu Lele, Tapu Fini, Pheromosa, Dark Magician Girl, Apprentice Illusion Magician, Gagaga Girl, Kiwi, Apple, Chocolate and Lemon all snuggled up with Naruto, Satsuki, Katsumi, Haku, Fuu, Delta, Ada, Gaia, Matsuri, Yodo, Yugito, Samui, Kushina, Mikoto, Izumi, Rin and Irene as they were glowing due to the orgy they had last night. The other girls don't mind since Naruto can make clones instantly with magic after Irene taught Naruto, Satsuki, Katsumi, the other Tailed Beasts and other members of Black Sun that in fact liked it better than chakra as Otsusuki and Chakra absorbers can't absorb magic not even Wood Style can suppress it.

While Kaguya can be outside Naruto anytime when not in the Elemental Nations but when she saw the orgy as she possessed Satsuki to have fun with them and she didn't mind at all since they took it as a challenge on who can drain Naruto's balls and it never lowers not even with Katsumi unlimited energy.

To Naruto was that one hell of a birthday present to him for the immortal 32-year-old man and it made him happy to have love in the hellish world as he was crying in joy but the girls comforted him as always and that he hugged Narumi and Sarada, his own daughters, even if he wasn't there for Sarada he would kill anyone mercilessly who harms his family.

At least Satsuki actually doesn't care much about killing Itachi since she read on Danzo's black book that he applied the same poison he planted on Shisui's but on a smaller dose before nearly killing the clan as a fail-safe.

"Killing him is what he wants to "redeemed himself" but when Black Zetsu told them about Itachi being in the Akatsuki as Jiraiya's spy despite that the group already knew (even Hilda the Jashinist knows about it) as he constantly used the Sharingan to piss Deandra (Kurotsuchi's cousin) and attracted Orochimaru's attention towards the Sharingan. Nice way to protect from afar Itachi, when you attracted me more danger. Fucking retard who is more moronic than Minato who used an Uzumaki exclusive sealing jutsu without the Shinigami mask. That part to Katsumi was that she was lucky to not be half-alive and half-dead at the same time. If Naruto were an only child without at least having proper guidance, he would be shouting on becoming Hokage and being an all-forgiving, naïve and mentally retard idiot who would neglect his own family. Me being born a boy with a stick shoved up in the ass that's the size of a Divine Tree and lost his way in the corrupting darkness that wasn't worth saving until losing an arm to finally see reason, act similar to Fugaku and not be there for the child." Satsuki thought to herself as she shuddered at the last part while looking at her left arm while holding Naruto tightly.

She wants to torture mentally and emotionally Itachi first as death is but a single moment but misery lasts for life and slander his image of a "prodigy".

"I can't believe that having sex with summons felt invigorated and they tried to dry me up and I was still hard. Who knew that those Dark Magician Girls were really kinky?" Naruto said remembering how he got the Pokémon as summons and how Satsuki got the Duel Monsters summons as well.

*Flashback – Forest of Death*

Before Team Otsusuki encountered Orochimaru, they have found a barrier and inside that barrier were two summoning contracts as one said "Pokémon" and the other "Duel Monsters". Naruto and Satsuki got the feeling to take the contracts but didn't summon anything immediately due to not wanting Minato and other power hungry villagers to steal the contracts from them because only pure hearted beings can open and sign the contracts. In fact, the summons somehow know Naruto and Satsuki despite not meeting them before.

Is all about perspective as good and evil are two sides of the same coin.

Even if Naruto and Satsuki are sadistic they are still pure hearted even if Naruto sometimes acts like a pervert and wishes to kill his former brother and Minato while Satsuki still wants to kill Itachi which is justified since did he betray family as family is above all.

*End of flashback*

*Inside Katsumi*

Zero Tails is inside Katsumi until she thinks about having a body of its own after it made Katsumi into a Pseudo Ten Tails until she somehow gains the Rinne-Sharingan to become a true Ten Tails as it was slithering around the mindscape looking at Katsumi's memories from the day they were a seedling of the Ten Tails until now as most of them are of people trying to capture Katsumi for her powers and the monk always looking at her. Despite feeding on Negative Emotions, even it has standards as it never causes the emotions no even desperate since is not honest emotions. It knew when Hagoromo created them they were mostly asleep except for Katsumi and the Zero Tails due to their emotions sensing and thought that having the most tails makes her powerful but as centuries goes just like the Otsusuki clan, as her arrogance was her own downfall.

The more it saw Katsumi's memories but was more focused when she was sealed inside Mito Uzumaki, as it had to travel deeper since some of Katsumi's memories are in blank.

"How come Mito never even left Konoha and it was impossible for her to seal Katsumi at the Valley of the End if she never was there at all? She even had to renounce her Uzumaki name because Konoha despises outsiders. Why she became old quicker since Uzumaki are long lived due to their vitality and massive Chakra reserves even still Katsumi should have healed her unless someone added Wood Chakra to the poison on purpose but who would want Mito dead? When Kushina was transferred to Konoha the Uzushiogakure massacre happened meaning that it had to be someone who knew about Katsumi's emotions sensing as with her sealed and suppressed by Mito wouldn't realize that Uzu was being destroyed." Zero said in a female voice as it looked at the memory of when Kushina proclaimed to become Hokage on her first day of the academy.

"Even I knew that it was a trap to keep her on a leash, right Katsumi?" Zero said to its sister who was helping her unlock those memories that were suppressed and even actually interacting with her inside her own mind.

"Is suspicious that no one realized that Madara faked his death like Black Zetsu told us. If an Uchiha can make excellent Genjutsu like the Kurama Clan. Who's to say that they can rewrite their death with Izanagi and use another eye as replacement?" Katsumi said.

"Or maybe someone knew that Madara used a delayed Izanagi the first time and not destroy the eyes but the question is who would want to cause chaos and pin the blame on him?" Zero asked.

"Well it couldn't be Tobirama as the guy hated the Uchiha Clan the most even than me and that is something to say and besides he is dead and we got it covered if Orochimaru summons him and his bitch brother." Katsumi said.

"I don't think so Katsumi as Tobirama invented Shadow Clones Jutsu before Madara defected Konoha who's to say that he faked his death when the Kinkaku Squad confronted him during the First War while you were in Konoha. You had Chomei as company until Taki was stupid enough to send Kakuzu to kill Hashirama and then sold him to avoid was with them despite that they started it. We know that Madara wanted revenge against his own clan for not listening to him when he wanted them to leave Konoha due to the Senju but to kill their descendants who never were involved was too far and we don't think that Madara knew about Obito helping kill the clan with Itachi, right?" Katsumi asked.

"Negative since I could have sensed it as the Uzumaki are the ones who thought him that family is above all unlike the Hyuuga's protecting their eyes that most of them rely on, the Kaguya Clan's bloodlust or that cult about the Otsusuki Clan that Kaguya despises because it's afflicted with Isshiki and the rest of her former clan." Zero explained.

"Finding Isshiki would be hard since like Black Zetsu, as Otsusuki can only be detected by emotions." Katsumi said

"About something weird is there is someone absorbing the Nature Energy of the Elemental Nations' leylines that are significant places like the Valley of the End, Konoha Monument Mountain and even where we were planted in the Land of the Ancestors." Zero explained to its sister.

"What are leylines Zero?" Katsumi asked it.

"A leyline is one of various supposed alignments of ancient monuments and prehistoric sites in straight lines, believed by some to indicate paths of nature energy inherent in the Earth. Like you absorbing Nature Energy passively without losing your mind while sleeping as Nature Energy is infinite as long as nature is present and not absorb by a Ten Tails but that knowledge had supposed to be lost as Otsusuki are sadistic but lazy, which is actually ironic. Us Tailed Beasts mostly you and Gyuki are similar to natural disasters as you two absorb the most of leylines to power up your attacks. The disturbing part is whoever is doing this must have known of our abilities as well." Zero continued.

"Shukaku told us that Suna monks sealed him thus allowing people to recreate Jinchuuriki but the question is how is that Hashirama knew about our locations and to actually captured Matatabi, Son Goku, Kokuo and Saiken who can actually overcome easily Wood Style with their fire, lava, steam and corrosive moves?" Katsumi said.

"Remember that is the potency of the affinity that can make overcome their weakness and that since Kokuo and Saiken are mostly pacifist while you have emotions sensing to evade people but Madara who you confused as Indra used his EMS on you to mind control you against your will against Hashirama until he knocked you out for a week until you were sealed in Mito while Black Zetsu saw the fight for Kaguya." Zero said, as Katsumi understood that part since while being controlled as her body moved on its own as her mind is pulled back by a pale imitation of their former eyes.

"There is something that I wanted to ask you?" Zero asked as Katsumi listened.

"How did Kaguya actually freed you from Naruto in the first place since when I tried to take your former Chakra from Arashi and Menma I felt another seal inside them that has fragments of the Shinigami?" Zero said as Katsumi shivered that a true deity was involved at her sealing since Tailed Beasts are living masses of Chakra as to them death is an option but her thinking of fighting Naruto against their wills is unsettling to her as both were victims.

"If Naruto was an only child the Shinigami would have taken a half of your power to make it its own entity to seal it and you would truly die if Naruto did as the Shinigami would have collect your living half as the other could have been claimed by the God of Death itself. What was Kushina thinking of telling that jutsu in the first place to that Senju scum of Minato? There's a reason why Uzumaki never use that jutsu without the mask to actually survive." Zero said.

"It was a plan for Konoha to actually have full ownership of me and the Uzumaki's secrets as they couldn't use Mito since she was the wife of Hashirama so they used her niece Kushina and made Minato woo her to make her into their weapon until Minato saw Bee and Gyuki as Mito and Kushina only contained me and thus the Eight Style Sealing Style was created as it was too much by Senju-Uzumaki collaboration as Minato was stupid enough to summon the Shinigami when Kushina had her chains to stop me until the deity split my chakra and soul into three parts. The weird thing is that before it disappear it smiled at Naruto who giggled like it met him before but that's impossible since Naruto was never Asura nor Hashirama just had Asura's Chakra until Kaguya destroyed the influence. Maybe she knows something about destroying the seals." Katsumi said.

"Yes that is suspicious that the Shinigami would let Kaguya destroy Naruto's seal in the first place. By the way, thanks for talking with me since no one has ever done that." Zero said surprising Katsumi as Zero was covering itself into a tan colored cocoon inside Katsumi's mindscape.

"If you need to talk just call me OK?" Katsumi told it and it nodded.

"At least you are starting to act like an older sister again Katsumi." Zero said as Katsumi while accepting the compliment as she left her mindscape.

"See ya later sister." Katsumi whispered the last part as inside the cocoon Zero Tails was changing its form.

*Konohagakure - Stadium*

It was time for the match between Flare Haruno (Otsusuki) and Gaia Sabaku (Otsusuki).

Flare vs. Gaia

Gaia starting use her sand chains and Flare using her wood chains as the chains start engaging each other making sonic booms every time they connect then stopped. On the field, everyone can see Flare has several sand chains wrapping around her and sticking through her as Gaia has Wood Chains wrapped around her as well.

When the ref tried to call the match, Flare and Gaia wrapped the ref's feet and slammed him into wall. If anyone tried to break their match, they will be killed.

While Kabuto unleashed Temple of Nirvana Genjustu as the civilians and most Genins and Chunins were affected when suddenly Orochimaru revealed himself as he summoned the first and second Hokage Hashirama and Tobirama Senju towards Hiruzen when Minato tried to use the Rasengan with his right handat Orochimaru when he was hit with a Dust Kunai by none other than Kurotsuchi.

"How did you do that as no Jinchuuriki has ever done that in history?" Onoki asked his granddaughter but all he got was a Jougan Glare from her.

"Who is to say that I am a jinchuuriki?" Kurotsuchi said sternly to her grandfather as he was thinking of how his granddaughter be alive without the Tailed Beasts sealed inside her anymore while Kurotsuchi starts pummeling Minato as she destroyed his kunais so that he doesn't escape her wrath.

"That's for killing my mother and father you Senju scum!" Kurotsuchi yelled at Minato as he saw her activate a Lava Style Chakra Cloak that became more like a four-tailed monkeyrilla.

"Not even Roshi and Han have ever done that before." Onoki said amazed.

"Remember Kuro no killing him just injured him into a coma." Naruto told Kurotsuchi through Telepathy.

"Hai Naruto-sensei." She thought back as Minato tried to attack her through Hiraishin as she used her Jougan eyes to know exactly where he would appear as she used her tails to swat him away.

"What's the matter Yellow Flash can't be unpredictable anymore?" Kurotsuchi said in a low voice while looking for Minato's most vital part of his Chakra Network, which was his stomach as she punched him and knocked the wind out of him, which will last for weeks.

As Orochimaru was to unleash Hashirama and Tobirama as the former was destroyed by Truth-Seeking Bomb and the latter exploded by himself as if someone knew about his plan while Hiruzen was starting to use the Reaper Death Seal on Orochimaru as time stopped.

Who threw the Truth-Seeking Bomb it was none other than the Sage of Six Paths who was next to The Man of the Moon as Jiraiya was distracted that the Sage of Six Paths has the Rinnegan like Nagato had and The Man of the Moon has an unknown Dojustu as they were wreaking havoc while Arashi and Menma were focused on Gaia as they tried to use the Nine Tails' chakra but were suppressed by none other than Flare as Sakura saw her do the deed as she knocked her cousin down as put her in a storage seal.

*Meanwhile with the rest of Black Sun*

They were taking Ayame and her family, the Maru corps., Anko, Mebuki, Yoshino, Kiku, Tsume and Kuromaru, Hana and her ninken triplets into stasis storage scrolls and planted realistic fake bodies so that people think that they were killed during the chaos.

*Meanwhile at Konoha Hospital*

As Hinata was still hospitalized, as a Kumo Nin tried to kidnap Hinata despite not knowing that his village is destroyed until he saw "Hagoromo" and "Hamura" as the former used the Human Path to kill the Kumo Nin and gained his memories.

Hinata saw them but she didn't do anything and let herself be kidnap since she knew who they really are.

"Thank you Naruto-kun." Hinata said as she fell asleep that she knew it was him.

"You know what I love of doing this Hamura?" Hagoromo asked his brother.

"Using these forms to slander the real ones in front of their faces." Hagoromo said while Ino saw them and tried to scream but put to sleep by Hamura.

"Sleep my darlings as you will become one." Hagoromo said while putting them in storage stasis scrolls.

*Back with Hiruzen and Orochimaru*

As a translucent, gaunt spectre with a demonic visage floating in the air. Way bigger than the average human, possessing long, shaggy, white hair, from which two red horns protrude, as well as purple colored skin. The being is draped in a large white kimono while carrying a set of prayer beads. Sharp, jagged teeth with a very long tongue of a serpentine. A tanto can be seen in its mouth. When the Shinigami appeared as it saw soul wisps of Hashirama and Tobirama as the Shinigami was pissed that those are souls of clones.

"These are fakes!" The Shinigami growled as it destroyed the fake souls with its tanto and canceled the jutsu, as everyone who was awaked were shocked that the first two Hokages were fake the whole time.

"What?" Both Hiruzen and Orochimaru said in unison.

"You will live for now Sarutobi as you will see your home village crumble from the one who everyone hated. As I said no beings can't control death itself!" The Shinigami laughed at Hiruzen until it saw Orochimaru.

"You are too valuable to die because all your life you were wronged that you nearly lost your ways Orochimaru so I will let you live for you to find a new purpose." The Shinigami said as it made cursed seals cover his left arm while chanting as it stabbed its arm at Orochimaru's chest for a few minutes taking the souls of shinobis he used to change bodies. Orochimaru thought he was going to die but if his parents see what he has become he would be fill with shame for living all because of his ambition for the betterment of humanity which was twisted by a war hawk who wanted power and made him into an abomination at the loss of the bonds he had made. All for nothing if you have all the power as who would be there to prove. He did the only rational thing, he ordered his shinobis to retreat, as killing Hiruzen would be worthless since the village can implode on itself.

"This mask is always suffocating to wear. It was worst when the Covid-19 hit Earth." The Shinigami said to itself until it sense someone it has met years ago and went into that location.

*Meanwhile with "Hagoromo" and "Hamura"*

Then the Shinigami appeared in front of "Hagoromo" and "Hamura" after they left the hospital to kidnap Ino and Hinata. The reactions it was waiting was fear but they bowed respectfully as they cancelled their transformations, revealing themselves as Naruto and Satsuki respectively.

"Greetings Shinigami-sama." Naruto and Satsuki said bowing at the presence of the God of Death with no fear whatsoever just calmness but inside Naruto Kaguya was scared.

"No need to bow since you have met me before Naruto and Satsuki." The Shinigami said which confused both as it took off its mask and robe to reveal that it was a costume as an attractive woman with pale skin, long black hair and green eyes. This is Hela Odinsdottir, the true Goddess of Death.

"We finally meet again Acnologia and Anna Heartfilia." Hela told them.

"Huh!" They both shouted since they never were Asura nor Indra as they only had their Chakra before.

"Wait a minute how come you are here since Hiruzen summoned you and we thought that you took Hiruzen's soul and leave when the Reaper Seal is done?" Naruto asked the deity who giggled.

"Yes that is true; normally the user would have to perform a technique in order to summon a fragment of me since most of the time I'm busy due to the inflation of deaths in this reality ever since Hagoromo spread Chakra. I have known Kaguya since she was born, as she is the black sheep of the Otsusuki Clan as she was the first one to question her clan's purpose. However, when an Uzumaki of royal blood like yourself Naruto, puts on one of the real masks that has seals to notify me as I am automatically summoned without the user doing anything. This is because it was the Uzumaki clan who I made a contract with them to allow them to summon me many years ago by Ashina Uzumaki, the last Uzukage before their fall as a way to counter the Impure World Resurrection of Tobirama Senju, that prick that I couldn't claim since he always swindled me. While most Uzumakis can possibly survive the use of the masks due to their strong life force. It is not a guaranteed survival as it is for an Uzumaki of royal blood. Before you ask, the mask has special hidden seals in them that allow them to sense your chakra and blood. Anyone who is not an Uzumaki even Senju have absolutely zero chance of surviving, thus leading me to taking his or her souls unless I want to since they can never truly control me nor my fragments. This is how I should be truly summoned; you are an Uzumaki who carries their royal blood in your veins Naruto." Hela explained to them, which puts Naruto and Katsumi at ease, as he already knew that he is the Uzumaki Prince but the title is worthless since he has more ambition to destroy anyone who opposes him from destroying the Shinobi System as people can choose what to do next, freeing Kaguya's body by using the Infinite Tsukuyomi to gather Chakra from the majority of the Elemental Nations

Hela shows Naruto, Satsuki different versions of them ranging from a very evil Naruto/Naruko that only wants destroy everything blindly and hero Naruto that married only a Hinata and had two kids. Even a male Satsuki with an older Sakura Haruno and a girl that looks exactly like Sarada but older and with glasses.

Both concluded that most of them were miserable and a few have forgiven Obito Uchiha and had the gall to have his hair cut like the parents' murderer. What kind of fucker would have the same haircut as their parents' murderer? Minato had to seal an alternate version of Katsumi with a complex seal that wasn't tested because only an Uzumaki has the dense Chakra to contain them when he should have used a seal to contain the fox instead of splitting it in Yin and Yang and gave a version of me the one that held all the hatred against humanity instead of the decent Yin half on him to actually befriend them and to balance him as well. But no, he had to summon the Shinigami to complete the sealing because the village was more important than family when he should have sealed the Yang into Kushina so that she could have lived to raise Naruto. At least that Kaguya made the favor to kill Obito. While to Satsuki she hated most of the the male versions of herself that had friends in the beginning and turned their back on them just to kill Itachi, sure she still wants to kill him but they needed help as they could never do it alone and then wanted to shoulder all the hatred to themselves instead of asking for help. They had their own clan scrolls and Narutos to understand them the most but like her Itachi, they lied to them and mind fucked them with Tsukuyomi but to some it was twice and Orochimaru marked them and twisted them mind more, even Obito done it too all the way to his adulthood and never even raised his daughter with the excuse of redemption and the Otsusuki clan to destroy the planet for a piece of fruit.

As both Naruto as Satsuki were processing what they have seen.

"Is that what would happen to me if my mom never pushed me to befriend Naruto in the first place?" She asked herself.

"Even with being Hokage he still puts the pathetic village that despised him and wanted him dead since birth all because some prick who lost his way because of someone he had a crush on sacrificed herself instead of finding help. For a Kage is that the village first and family to last place or none." Naruto said darkly.

"The only thing we're doing is destroying the system that caused all this, and anyone that gets in our way will die. But for those that don't, they can try and pick up the pieces, whether they keep killing each other or try and make peace, it's their choice. But we're not going to give any of them the satisfaction of having our attention on them, once the Shinobi System is gone, we'll be gone. We'll be done with the Elemental Nations, and the idiots that live here." Naruto said to Hela as she smiled as the Naruto she most love are the ones who truly embraced their darkness but never lose their focus.

"You could also thank me when I helped Isobu revived Rin by giving him a little boost despite that it. Just like you two she has potential that cannot be wasted and besides you are worthy of her love Naruto-kun." Hela said as he blushed since this is the first time that a true deity (not to offend Kaguya) complemented him.

"That was you?" Naruto asked as she nodded.

"Well yes she was too young to die in this cruel as some would say is hell but is how you make of your life Naruto and Satsuki. Peace under an illusion is not true peace. It's only meaningful if the real world manages to accomplish it. Even I refused to believe in a world of illusion. I better to rather die fighting the harsh reality through pain and suffering to accomplish peace than to rely upon and live life in fiction and a nonexistent world. As the analogue goes; If there's one leader, who's going to have the courage to step up to him when he's clearly in the wrong? People will either be too scared, or they'll come together and openly rebel. That's not order. That's how both Kaguya and Hagoromo ruled and still failed to realized what truly happened around them. The last part applied to Hagoromo the most." Hela said while looking at Naruto's stomach where his seal was.

*Inside Naruto*

Kaguya was listening Hela while thinking more of her life before meeting Naruto and Satsuki as before she came into this planet.

She was called the Rabbit Goddess due to her horns resembling rabbit ears as she stopped the Endless War Era after seeing humans killing each other but before that she was just Kaguya Otsusuki, one of the princesses of the Otsusuki Clan who reside on a separate dimension that lower beings would go mad from comprehension with just a glimpse of their home.

Contrary to popular, Kaguya was never been evil. It wasn't easy and the attempt was a success but what they learned after this was even worse than what they had imagined. Otsutsuki Clan are a clan of immortal beings from a higher level Universe, they are one of the hardest beings to kill and they were born with immense power. They were known as one of the strongest beings in existence with their inherent abilities. They had many different kinds of bloodline powers. They could pass all their power and knowledge to another clan member when needed. They could imprint others with a curse mark so that when they died, they would take over one of the bodies and resurrect. They were like parasites of the universe especially because the clan harvested the life force from different planets across the vast number of universes with thinking of the consequences. Otsutsuki clan members moved as a group of two along with a Ten Tails that they had to mind wipe their memories so they wouldn't rebel and then they would plant the Ten Tails into the planet after it had eaten the weaker Otsutsuki.

The Ten Tails was a seed that grew into the Divine Tree and bore fruit that granted the Otsutsuki clan member great power and abilities. The weaker Otsutsuki member would resurrect through a vessel and they would enjoy the harvest while the planet was destroyed as the life force was drained. The Ten Tails can't grow properly without such a powerful source of nutrients so it was necessary for an Otsutsuki to be fed and later the roots would continue to suck on the life force of the planet and the people that fell in battle. Kaguya was the weaker one in the group and should have died like usual for her partner but she had grown tired of seeing this scene. She had enough of innocent people dying. Yes, she saw these lower beings as people and not ants. It broke her heart and she betrayed her own clan and her partner but she had her reasons as everywhere she have gone with Isshiki she would be glared and nearly killed for what they are at first glance.

Therefore, she used her All-Killing Ash Bones to nullify Isshiki's immortality and destroyed his lower half so that the Ten Tails have a least part of an Otsusuki to be fed before planting it on the planet but through the bond, she programmed it so that it wouldn't devour the world.

Kaguya truly hates her former clan' traditions of harvesting Chakra fruits and tuning them into Chakra Pills to extended their powers and life despite being immortal already.

To sum it up she "betrayed" the clan because of their immaturity of getting what they want without actually training and destroying life for their sadistic tendencies that the weak only die as only the strong survive, as that would only bring hate from other beings.


The calmed themselves at the information that Hela revealed them, as even if they saw different versions of themselves their goals are set as they have the power to choose for themselves thanks to Kaguya as Hela touched Naruto's stomach where his old seal was.

"Don't worry my friend you will be free eventually just be patient." Hela said while referring to Kaguya.

"This may be a farewell but we will meet again Naruto and Satsuki Otsusuki." Hela said as she kissed Naruto passionately on the lips as she waved at them as she disappeared.

"Well that was something." Naruto said unsure to think about while Satsuki

*Minato's mind*

While Minato is in a coma, Hela visits him in her true form.

"We meet again Minato Senju." Hela said with vemon his name, as she may be sadistic but to curse a child and then neglect them, especially her Naruto who has always being her champion. She has seen a few who have truly died, some good, some truly evil, some gray, even a few gain godhood and others lived to the end of their natural life and actually be happy.

"Who are you?" Minato asked her as she roll her eyes as she puts her arm to change her face into her Shinigami mask as Minato jumped as she was familiar to him and changed her face back.

"Really Minato don't you remember me as the one who summoned me all those years ago to seal the Nine Tails on your children and neglected my Naruto-kun all for a pathetic prophecy by Gamamaru. Not everything is set in stone Minato or do you want to be turned into stone?" Hela said as she snapped her fingers as Minato was slowly being turned into stone as she sensed his fears and a wet spot between his legs.

"The only reason I left you alive Minato is for my entertainment! Remember that I am Death as I can make you into dirt and I still won't take your soul. So when you wake up, please do your best to entertain me." Hela said laughing in a demonic voice as she left leaving Minato in fear as she turned him back to normal.

"I am so screwed!" He said to himself in his mindscape.

*Old Senju Hideout*

Deep within an ample forest on top of a small hill where there were death trees is the former hideout of the Senju Clan before founding Konohagakure. In the basement of the hideout, there was a young man inside a stasis pod with various wires surrounding it as it opens revealing a fair-skinned man with silver, shaggy and dark red eyes wearing a simple, short-sleeved, blue shirt kimono with mesh armour underneath and held closed by a pale yellow sash. This casual attire included blue pants and a bracelet of sorts on his left hand.

"I wonder who destroyed the clone that I made to fake my death while I was in stasis maybe it was Isshiki; if it was him I should have thanked him when I asked him for my brother Hashirama to be his new vessel with me telling everyone that he died of natural causes. Those moronic villagers would believe everything a Kage say since they know that they have to be completely loyal to a Kage only as the Daimyos need our services. Luckily, I got DNA from both Hashirama and Madara to get what I needed. That fool thought to fake his death when I could have taken his eyes for myself but those were Izuna's eyes. They should know that only a Senju can rule the entire Elemental Nations." The man said as he was waking up as each step he made small flowers appear on the floor as he looked in the mirror for Tobirama Senju to see his rejuvenated face as he focused Chakra onto his eyes into a fully matured Sharingan, Madara's Mangekyou's design and finally the basic Rinnegan.

Tobirama laughed madly that his plan worked to gain the fabled Rinnegan of that moronic Sage of Six Paths as he made wood, lava, steam, storm, ice out of thin air and even five Truth-Seeking Balls.

"Finally I have what I wanted for my real plans." Tobirama said as he left his old home as he made it explode while smoking a cigar.