- You are very good at playing chess - Elias
- Not as you - Liliana
- My grandfather was the best player, he taught me - Elias
- Well...I..we learned how to play from our teacher - I didn't see my grandfather, and my father...he didn't have time to teach us...- Liliana
- It's not easy to be a merchant...I see -Elias
He looked at her
- Y..Yeah...Let's say so - Liliana
- Say so?! - mumbled Elias
- Did you say something?- Liliana
- No..- he made his move- your turn
- Hmm...I give up...- Liliana- I'm not a match for you
- Don't say so. You would have won if we continued - Elias
- I prefer do not continue things that I can not finish...Life taught me this - Liliana
- Life? - Elias
- My Lord, not even your father can beat you at chess- Keiran
- Pff...Hahaha - laughed Liliana- You have a talent at winning
Elias was stunned by her smile
-Not just chess my lady, he is also good fighting with sword ,bow....and also no one can compare to him at horse riding and also...- continued Keiran as Elias cut him
- It's enough Keiran - Elias
- Want to compete at the horse racing? - Liliana
- You want to competete with me? - Elias
- Yes, you think I'm not suitable to be your opponent? - Liliana looked at Elias
- No, of course not...It's just this is first a lady asks me something like this - Elias
- Well...It's an honor to be first...So? - Liliana
- OK...What are we going to bet on? - Elias
- If you win...I will do whatever you want, and if I win will be otherwise - Liliana
- Hahaha - Keiran
- What are you laughing at? - Ria
- I apologize, it's just I thought she will something- Keiran
- Something? Like what? - Ria
- Well..jewels maybe..-Keiran
Liliana and Ria laughed at the same time
- There's no jewel that Lil would want- Ria- but it's okay to think so
- Why say so? - Keiran - every woman likes jewels
- Not every woman wants and likes jewels and sparkling things, look around more carefully! -Ria