Chapter 2: Practice Makes Perfect & Evil Pieces

[Gremory Territory, Training Arena]

(Toshiros Pov)

In the huge training arena, there were Venelana, Rias, Grayfia, and Sirzechs. Alongside 3 guards that were standing and talking with Toshiro who was wearing a get up like Merlin from fate which Venelana gave him for his 4th birthday recently. Toshiro was here to try out some kido and other techniques he was perfecting with his help from his grimiore.

(Toshiro)" Are you guys ready" I said to the 3 guards who were helping me train."

(3 guards)" Yes young master!"

(Toshiro)" Alright here I come", I raised my right hand in their direction and said "Seeping crest of turbidity. Arrogant vessel of lunacy! Boil forth and deny! Grow numb and flicker! Disrupt sleep! Crawling Queen of Iron! Eternally self destruction doll of mud! Unite! Repulse! Fill with soil and know your own powerlessness!" "Hado 90! Kurohitsugi!"

The guards put up a barrier but it started to crack so Grayfia used her ice magic to save them from getting injured which even after the black coffin closed and disappeared they were fine which still showed me the gap between me and the powerhouses of this world. Toshiro was sitting in the arena exhausted so he was taking a breather.

(Rias)"What was that brother it was so cool teach me!"

(Sirzechs)"Shrio-Tan that was amazing, I even recorded it for my Shiro collection."

(Toshiro)' This damn bro and sis con'

After resting a bit he practiced other concepts until he passed out from exhaustion.

-------Toshiro's bedroom---------

I started to regain consciousness but still a bit weak breaking me from my thoughts was Rias pulling my shirt while laying down asleep next to me hugging my arm while drooling on my shirt. This made my heart warm up how cute the little princess was when she wasn't be spoiled rotten.


8 months later

Gremory Training Area

(Toshiro)"You guy ready?"

(Guards)" Yes young master!"

I rushed in front of the guard while using Sonido and raised my right hand making a fist while yelling "Bala !" a small amount of magic power was attached to the technique which was launched towards the guards barrier which was shattered easily. The guards followed up with a blast of demonic energy which sent me flying backwards while being surrounded by all three guards I slammed my hands on the ground and yelled " Earth Style: Earth Golem" which made a 2 story tall Susanoo which kept the guards at bay while I set up my curse magic to immobilize the guards who are distracted " Curse Magic: Evil Spiders Trap" Suddenly all 3 guards where caught in my trap and fell unconscious which made me the winner afterwards dispelling my magic the guards woke up and complimented me on a well thought out plan.

In a room inside the Gremory castle, 2 people were watching a video of Toshiro battle with the guards.

They were sitting across from each other they were father and son as they both have the crimson red hair. They were Zeoticus and Sirzechs Gremory one was a duke while the former is the current Lucifer, Sirzechs Lucifer.

(Zeoticus)" So what do you think of our little Shiro's spar?"

(Sirzechs)"I'm honestly not surprised but excited to see the next super devil in our family he has amazing potential that surpasses mine at his age that imagination of his while using magic and this is just magic we haven't even seen what he can do with weapons and close quarter combat."

(Zeoticus)"Yes I'm also curious how little shiro's head works after all he spends most of his time reading magic books, on that note did you see the pictures of little rias sleeping with a drooling face, little shiro gave us in exchange for tutor in swordsmanship and spearmanship.?"

(Sirzechs)"I know it should be a crime how cute little rias looks in those pictures!"

--------6 years later-------

Near enough 6 years have passed since Toshiro began his training under Souji Okita learning how to master his swordplay and spearmanship. While having Grayfia and Venelana teach him how to control his demonic energy and mana very well while also training his physique until he couldn't stand up anymore rinse and repeat so he could squeeze as much potential as possible before he receives his evil pieces to start his harem and journey to become the number 1 rating game champion. Toshiro already figured out his peerage members while using his Divine Harem System which left him with 3 pieces that he'd use for this world so not everyone will wonder how he instantly got a full peerage.

Over the years Toshiro became fast friends with Sona who sometimes would visit with the excuse of visiting Rias, which was so cute to watch how much she would blush when we practiced magic or played chess together. He was already being teased by Venelana about setting up a marriage between Sona and himself which he only blushed and didn't oppose it which gave his father the go ahead to which Sona parents who met Toshiro and witnessed his amazing talent instantly agreed after a tomato headed Sona said yes before fainting from embrassment. When he turned 8 years old he was given the news about Sona being his fiance while he also received a spear and katana from rias and grayfia respectively. While Sona who was invited gave him a kimono that looked like Kyoraku from Bleach which he started to wear over his clothes after adding a bunch of enchantments.

Toshiro was currently molding his destruction power into all kinds of shapes and forms in an effort to control them, his progress was showing fruit since he was finally able to add different nature's to he bloodline power making things like destruction lightning, fire, ice, and wind. He was also beginning to use in longinus making weapons like Gae bolg from Fate and Ryujin Jaka from Bleach which become trump cards.


(Next Day)

Waking up earlier than usual due to Rias and her excitement of receiving her evil pieces he was pulled out of his room and down to the dining room as soon as he could was dressed. Sirzechs and Grayfia where already waiting while Sirzechs was just as excited as Rias while Grayfia was stoic as ever which made Toshiro decide to tease her since he always wants her to show more emotion.

(Toshiro)"Morning Big brother and Aunty Fia!"

(Sirzechs)"Morning little shiro and rias excited to get your pieces?"

(Grayfia)"Good morning young master Toshiro please don't call me Aunty [While tick marks appeared on her forehead]"

(Toshiro)" I'll stop Aunty Fia when you show more emotion"

(Grayfia)"Very well young master Toshiro I will increase your training later."

'Toshiro couldn't help but imagine a black hyama mask was behind Grayfia smile'

(Rias)"Shiro stop teasing big sis fia we have to go get our evil pieces before you get your butt beat up."

(Sirzechs)"First eat up breakfast that Grayfia made for you guys before we take you to Ajuka's lab."

Finishing their breakfast Sirzerchs, Grayfia, Rias, and Toshiro teleported into Ajuka's laboratory. Arriving inside Ajuka's laboratory where he was waiting next to the king piece registry with the machine to produce evil pieces and bind them to said person." Ah Rias and Toshiro I'll let you register and get your pieces in a minute but I have something for both of you" vanishing into the deep depths of his lab Ajuka emerged minutes later with gifts for both of soon to be kings.

Coming back Ajuka gave Rias an inventory bracelet which helped carry anything she chose and also summon it back at will. If it's anything to go by she liked how girly it looked because she jumped and hugged Ajuka for it.

Toshiro was handed a memory fragment which had Ajuka's personal magic which was the Kankura Formula. Toshiro didn't think twice he instantly crushed it to memorize the magic with the help of his divine grimiore, he proceeded to hug Ajuka thanking his uncle if he wasn't a monster right now then everyone else was rotten cabbages.

(Ajuka)"Haha let's go get your pieces both of you then, who wants to go first? " Ajuka asked with signature smile that would floor every single female adult devil.

(Toshiro)"Sate I'll let little rias go first she seems more excited than me" Toshiro said keeping his signature aloof teasing personality when it came to things that weren't battle related.

(Rias)"Thanks brother!" Rias said skipping up to the king piece monument.

(Ajuka)"Put your hand on the monument and input as much as your demonic power as you can into it don't worry it won't drain it all" Ajuka said to Rias who did what she was told excited.

With a flash of crimson red from the red crystal monument an ornate wooden box holding the evil pieces where ejected from the monument, Ajuka proceeded to hand them over to Rias who commented that Rias needed to pour her demonic energy to open the box.

With that said Rias opened her box with a click reverberating around the room revealing 15 different shades of crimson red chess pieces. Except Rias bishop which was a mutated piece glowing dark crimson red while the rest where normal crimson red.

(Ajuka)" A mutated bishop that's pretty amazing considering most don't get a single mutated piece." while Ajuka made it sound like it wasn't that big of a deal Big brother and Rias where jumping excited as ever 'Damn Siscon' Grayfia just sighed at her husband's antics.

(Ajuka)" Alright Toshiro it's your turn" Ajuka commented getting a nod from Toshiro.