Chapter 14: Riser Vs Toshiro


After news spread announcing the Rating game between Riser Phenex and Toshiro Gremory everyone was excited to witness a battle between 2 strong young devil's. The day had finally come for the match so the arena was packed with devil's. Sona and Rias arrived into one of the v.i.p rooms waiting for both peerages to be teleported into the dimension where the game would be held. "Sona do you think Riser has a chance against my big brother?" Rias asked in a anxious voice which somewhat annoyed Sona since Toshiro was her fiance whom she always spent time watching train his peerage with her own peerage out of pure love so that if the time came she could stand on her own feet to realise her school education dream which she shared with Toshiro who just said 'I'll always stand by you my angel so do as you please but remember might makes right in our world so while being smart is great and all you need power to accompany it so no one can snatch your dream from you for being weak.' Sona therefore proceeded to train her peerage extremely well since she couldn't be seen as a wife who stood behind her fiance but one who would stand next to him as the position of 1st wife should be. "Rias the fact you even consider your brother having a chance to lose really tells me how lazy you've been since we started highschool you honestly need to get your stuff in order because after you graduate you'll be bombarded with marriage proposals from those old coots since your not doing anything productive for our race you'd be made into a breedmare real quick ever think they might sick Diodara or Zephyrdor to you" This response was something Rias had already been told by her mother earlier when she and her peerage arrived to the underworld the day before.


"So daughter have you still not apologized or become a responsible king since our last talk I honestly don't understand why you've been acting so spoiled haven't you realised this is only the beginning of the marriage proposals from the old devil council !" Venelana said with an angry voice. Rias didn't respond she just pouted and left without saying a word her peerage however just stayed quite since they were not in any position to say anything they all been to lazy like their King.

[Flashback end]

Rias just sighed and sat down with her peerage not continuing her talk with Sona. "Tsubaki how fast do you predict for Riser to realise he's way over his head to fight such monsters like the peerage of Toshiro ?" Momo asked out of curiosity "Well it depends on how Toshiro and Scáthach decide to play this they'll probably restrict themselves so that they're true power isn't revealed so those old devil's don't force restrictions in their future matches they'll probably win on stamina alone while, Toshiro himself will probably make Riser a stepping stone since he already told Sona he'd only be using Shunko and The Kankura Formula which will already make Riser's Phenex magic useless alongside its strong regeneration so it should be easy win." Tsubaki answered not minding the stares from Rias peerage who hardly did anything such as training since they went to the human world.


Toshiro looked at his peerage before speaking up "Alright my angels today's rating game will be somewhat smooth sailing besides the fact I'll be asking you girls to limit your powers to high low class levels can't have those old coots knowing most of my girls are Ultimate Ranks since they'll start trying to force restrictions on us during rating games, here's the plan we will split into 3 teams one defense one offense for the defense it'll be Aika, Yuri, Chisato, and Evangeline whom will be in command of that for man cell now offense will be Scáthach, Shigure, Maki, Jeanne, Lupusregina obviously Scáthach will call the shots in this 5 man cell now for the third final group led by Yoruichi, Narberal, Musashi , Kaori, and Raikou will back up any of the 2 teams should they get in a pinch Yoruichi and Scáthach your guys group objective should be securing the flag returning it to our base for points one team covers while the other escorts as for the defense you should be prepared to intercept anyone who try to cut off our flag bearer make it look easy as it should be once we win I'll treat you girls to a steamy night my beautiful angels." Shigure then asked the question on everyone's mind "Umm Shiro what are you and Levi going to do since Levi and you aren't in the plan?" Everyone looked at me for an answer "Well me and Levi or more specifically Levi will have a really important job which is to retire Ravel from the game because she will be the only person relevant in Risers peerage because let's be honest she's a genius tactician but should Levi do her job well their team work will be in shambles as for me I'll be using that chicken as a punching bag got to make an example of him showing those stuck up young masters that Bloodline powers can't take you far."

"Alright My Angels I got our uniforms made which will be this dark red armor it's to make you look like war goddesses ready to begin the slaughter "Toshiro said to his peerage.

While Toshiro and his peerage where equipping their uniforms Ravel was having a headache trying to explain to her brother not to rely on their Phenex flames to fight Shiro since she knew just how strong her fiance was so he'd easily counter their regenerative factor or even make it useless. "Ravel stop being so paranoid Riser is prepared to beat Toshiro showing how superior our Bloodline is compared to his destruction power" Riser said smugly while his peerage kept praising Riser to no end " Brother stop underestimating my fiance I can say with 100% that you won't force him to unleash his destruction power or his swords have you forgotten that he's an Ultimate Class like big brother Ruval or that he's already a grandmaster swordsmen according to Okita himself who's a knight in the Lucifer group my investigation also made it clear that he's stro.." 'Slap' "Shut up Ravel I Riser am your king first before anything else so your job as my bishop is to shut up and listen to me !" Riser said to which Ravel just kept quite since she knew her mother and father where spying on them to see if they had a plan to deal with Toshiro's peerage but after witnessing Riser slap and reprimand Ravel they decided to remove her from his peerage afterwords.

"After this game your removing Ravel from his peerage while also stripping his rights of succession if it weren't for the fact he's about to get his ass handed to him by Toshiro and his peerage I'd beat him myself to re educate him as a mother should !" Said Lady Phenex Ruval who was the the oldest was watching as well night to his parents said something that surprised his mother for being so devious "How about sending the clip to Toshiro before the match starts I'm sure he'll give my younger brother a good beating since he's really doting to Ravel ever since they've been engaged not mention the reward was Ravel getting her evil pieces and 2 members from Risers peerage this should make Riser rethink his actions before mother and I teach him a lesson back home." Ruval said with a evil smirk to which his mother chuckled "Oh my child smart as ever let's do it maybe seeing Riser get beaten black and blue will calm my anger somewhat" Lord Phenex was just praying his youngest son survived this ordeal he didn't dare voice any opposition to their plans since after being married to his wife for so long he learned 'Happy wife leads to Happy Life'.

Toshiro who just received the clip of Riser slapping Ravel made his who demeanor change so he decided to bring out a hammer he made with his sacred gear which he fused Mjonir, Strombreaker, Demon Slayer sword, and added Clarent. "Girls whenever you see Riser in the game inform me since he had the nerve to raise his hand to my cute little Ravel I'll have to discipline him in his parents stead." Toshiro said as they walked towards the magic circle leading to the battle area.
