Chapter 1

It was June now. After the rain, it was fresh and bright. The funeral of the famous Bai couple in 'City A' had just ended, and the Bai house was in turmoil.

The servants retreated in a hurry, lest they get caught up in the flurry and be burnt.

A few people were heatedly discussing with lowered voices in the living room, and the men and women in black outfits could not hold back but mention the worth of thousands of millions the lucky person who would adopt the child would get.

"I'm her second uncle, and we've been close lately, so I'll be the one to raise my niece!" A middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and a slightly evil look declared decisively. It was the voice of the Bai family's eldest son, and only after he was in his 40s could he have this golden baby.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the other two said, "We are also Uncles to YinYin, and don't you know how close I'm to her, through the thick and thins of life. Don't you know that?"

Mr. Bai didn't have any brothers. They were three cousins. As soon as he opened his mouth, the other two also said, "We are here, uncles, too! We are all close friends, no matter how big or small the problem is."

They were all talking among themselves. No one ever bothered to ask the one being adopted what she wanted.

Everyone wanted to raise this little Golden Doll, which was also equivalent to a massive Bai Estate and tens of billions of assets. Mr. and Mrs. Bai founded the group. When they were young, the famous couple caught up with the trends. They had a unique vision and were modest and generous. They were trendy.

The Bai family's business was getting bigger and bigger. More than 20 years later, it has become a famous large group in China, and it is also a landmark enterprise in 'City A'!

This time, the Bai family had an accident. All of the relatives, who were at the edge of the house till yesterday, swarmed in like flies to occupy the spacious living room.

A few women gathered around and whispered for a long time. The nanny was called in and asked, "What about Yinyin. Where is she? Why can't I hear her? "

We've been discussing this for a long time. We didn't ask where YinYin is. Is it too late to ask now?

The nanny lowered her head and curled her mouth. Her poor Miss Yinyin is only three years old! How pitiful!


In the back garden of the villa.

The nanny had been looking for someone in the garden for a long time. The little one was crouching in the garden, surrounded by flowers, plants, and trees around her.

"Miss Yinyin?" the nanny cried out.

The little ball didn't look up and still hung low on her tiny head.

Nanny became even more distressed. How could such a small child resist those jackals and wolves outside when she had just lost her parents!

"Don't be afraid; it's Aunt Zhang," she coaxed the child gently.

After a long time, she heard the small sobs coming from the folded knees.

Zhang Yue's heart almost broke into half for the child. Miss Yinyin was only three years old. She was usually cute and intelligent. Even if she cuddled up and held in the palm of her parents' hands, she was never domineering and bossy.

From a very young age, the lady was known to care for people. The young lady has taken care of these servants. When she used to get delicious food, she would share it with others. When the weather was cold, she would frown and say, "Auntie, remember to dress warmly!"

Zhang Yue didn't dare to reach out and hug her. She stood beside her and coaxed: "Little Miss, you are so lovely, don't cry." I was so worried, but I was too dumb to open my mouth. All I could do was to comfort her by saying not to cry but to cheer up.

YinYin finally raised her head; a pair of beautiful round eyes were red and swollen. She opened her mouth, in a small voice with a slightly nasal sound, she said: "I want Daddy!"


Finally, these relatives of Bai's family couldn't wait for the result anymore. They couldn't argue with each other. They came to a consensus to let YinYin herself choose a foster family. Hence, the nanny went out, after a long time, and went into the almost sleeping group and announced. "Miss Yin was crying a lot and fell asleep."

A little three-year-old child has just lost her parents. They couldn't wake her up in public even if they had no other choice. They were so unsightly, but they still needed to keep their faces.

They could only leave without any accomplishment this time.

It didn't take long for the Bai family to come up with a new plan. The little girl was afraid after losing her father and mother. These uncles and aunts invited everyone to get together at a party and made the Bai family's house bustling.

Everebody knows about the rumor that the Bai family wants them to witness the Golden Doll choosing whom she wants to follow.

This way, the people and the child can choose their own, and even if something happens in the future, they will not look too shameless, and they can even earn a good reputation.

These relatives, led by Uncle Yin, invited all the dignitaries in the circle, and everyone would be happy to see the bustle. After all, the one who would keep the Golden Doll in the future will be the Bai's enterprise's future ruler!

Luo Sheng just came back home and lazed around at home for the next two days. He was making his friends annoyed till they were shouting out at him.

"OK, could you go abroad and turn in a gold-plated monk? Come out and have a drink with your friends!"

His short hair was dyed brown, and his features were delicate yet not feminine. Even though he's more than twenty years old, there is still a kind of juvenile arrogance and unruliness between his eyebrows.

He turned the glass in his hand, and the chandelier reflected a fragmentary light. Luo Sheng sneered. "The old man is watching."

This is a private club run by young people in the posh circle. There was everything in it. Singing, dancing, playing billiards, bowling. There are even gambling tables on the ground floor.

It wasn't entirely outside but behind the closed door was so quiet that even the sound of breathing could be heard. Luo Sheng took a sip of wine from the glass. "There was an agreement between the old fogey and me; after I finish my MBA, he would leave me alone!"

He was lying lazily on the sofa, his arms on the back of his head, with a big grin showing on his face, his pair of peach blossom eyes slightly squinted, "Wait for tomorrow, I will start to embrace the wonderful life of drunkenness and dreamland!"

Luo Sheng's buddies cheered with wine glasses in their hands, " Congrats to you, brother Luo!!!"

The people who gathered today were the same smelly brats who grew up playing with Luo Sheng since childhood. They knew what the other was thinking with just eye contact.

Even though they were drinking wine and smoking heavily, the room was not filled with smoke. The ventilation system of this room was done very well; even if a group of people was smoking, the air was not even a bit choking.

Luo Sheng carelessly puffed out a cigarette ring. "Tomorrow's a date?"

Someone came over and said aloud: "No, tomorrow's Bai House's banquet, why don't you go there and join the bustle?"

After realizing suddenly that Luo Sheng didn't know, they explained: "Brother Luo, since you just returned two days ago and were stuck at home, you may not have heard of it yet ."

"Heard of what?"

"You know about the Bai's Group?"

"Mr. and Mrs. Bai, the chairman of the board of directors of Bai Enterprise, have lost their lives in a plane crash, leaving a little daughter behind, just a little over three years old! Hmm… Maybe not even three years old, I heard she didn't have her third birthday yet."

"Whether by will or by law, the three-year-old should inherit the Bai group, right? And such a small heir must have a guardian?"

He laughed and said, "The relatives of the Bai couple of Bai House have been quarreling all over. They don't want to lose face but still fight for the right to guardianship. These days every one of them is a joke."

A blonde-haired young man sat down next to Luo Sheng, and he put a piece of sliced watermelon in his mouth. He smiled and said, "What's with the joke of a party again? Maybe we should be a witness and see the little devil choose her guardian."

"We brothers are going to see the bustle tomorrow and look what the Golden Doll looks like, also to see which rotten imbeciles have won the favor of the little devil."

Everybody started laughing, and they had not been this lively for a while now. "Should we go to see the bustle?" Asked Luo Sheng.

The lazy brown-haired youth shrugged his shoulders and said: "It's boring anyway."

White house was a golden and white three-story villa. There were gardens in front of and behind the mansion. The front yard also has a small playground, slide, swings, and everything. You could tell just by looking around that the family was very fond of children.

The house's overall style was delicate and cozy, not as big or luxurious as commonly seen in large homes in the posh circle. Still, just by looking at it, you could imagine how warm and happy the family of three used to live in this villa.

Luo Sheng followed his friends and entered the gates of the villa. His eyes fell on the pink swing, and he paused.

The relatives of the Bai family led by the second uncle were standing at the door to welcome the guests. Their faces were plastered with a warm smile and natural attitude as they said their greetings to everyone.

Luo Sheng was bored as he took a few sips of wine; he put down the glass, "I'll go back first."

"Don't go! Come on, Luo. The act hasn't started yet!"

"Wait a minute, just a minute!"

Uncle Bai, who had slightly vicious looks, was standing at the center of the stage with a small microphone in front of him, "Thank you for joining us…."

After a polite opening remark, he looked around, looked at his fellow relatives, and said, "My cousin and sister-in-law are gone, and we are heartbroken. My little niece Bai Yinyin is only three years old, and we are the only living relatives. We, brothers, have to take up the family for my cousin!"

"Now, please witness, who is little YinYin willing to follow? We are not forcing to let her choose!"

The nanny Zhang Yue was embracing the neatly dressed lady.

The little girl was dressed in a fluffy pink skirt, black bow-tied shoes, and a little chirp was tied in her sparse soft hair.

She seemed listless, her small face buried in the nurse's arms.

Uncle Bai signaled the nanny to let the girl down.

The little girl stood on the carpet with her head hanging low, and Luo Sheng looked at her casually, with a specially made bronze lighter in his hands.

Uncle Bai smiled, approached the little girl, deliberately lowered the voice, "YinYin…."

"Xiaoyin, who would you like to live with?"

The middle-aged man, who was somewhat malicious looking, suddenly softened down and smiled amiably but still looked vicious.

The other relatives could not just sit down anymore, have approached the girl. Regardless of the presence of outsiders, they said: "YinYin, follow the third uncle, the third uncle's eldest brother can take you to play Oh!"

"With the fourth uncle, your cousin is only two years older than you, and you can just play together!"

"YinYin follow…"

The little ball hung her tiny head low, and the two little hands stirred uneasily together as if afraid of stepping back.

Everybody was coaxing the little girl noisily, but gradually, they started to quiet down. The uncle looked up and saw the eyes of the people who disagreed. He was stifled and shouted out: "Don't make noise. Let YinYin make her own choice."

After god knows how long, the little girl finally raised her head. Her slightly redden eyes looked around, just like a newborn calf, poor and innocent.

Several prominent men also had their hearts melted. The blonde-haired man got angry and yelled, "Just to get their claws on the money, these lowlifes are forcing a child to a dead end!" yellowish hair cracked, said

"Is that just a little money? Ten billion!"

In the end, these are things that do not concern them, the high and mighty, cold-hearted brothers and wives. A few words will pass around, but nobody is going to do anything. It's impossible that someone would bother.

After sighing, some people thought it was also very sour, looking at the group of red-eyed greedy relatives, "I don't know how much bad luck this little golden doll has to be picked by these wolves!"

Everyone watched with interest.

"Anyone will do?" little YinYin asked timidly.

Uncle Bai smiled and looked around, surrounded by relatives, "Of course you can!"

Surrounded by the crowd, YinYin sniffed and looked up at the group.

Finally…her eyes fell on the brown-haired man on the couch in a small cubicle not far away.

Her eyes lit up, though she was slumped like a bit of flower bud. She now was in great spirits. She held out her little chubby hand, pointed to the brown-haired man, and was about to call him in great spirits.

The system stopped her, "Don't call him Dad!"

YinYin paused, the little hand still pointed to the lazy man half-leaning on the sofa, in a sweet childish voice but the confident way she said: "Want him!"