Chapter 9

The hospital was packed with people outside the ward. There were senior members of the Luo Group, some relatives of the Luo family, and Mr. Luo's brother's family.

Yinyin stood on the bench outside the ward, with her little hand on the ward's window. Unfortunately, the window was covered so tightly with curtains, and she could not see anything.

Her eyes were red, and there were two big droplets of tears in them. "Grandpa will be OK, right, dad?"

Luo Sheng was sitting in the chair next to her, with his head down, lost in his thoughts. One would wonder what he was thinking. He hummed in response to her question. Mrs. Luo heard that her husband was in a car accident and had lost consciousness hearing this news, she passed out. Now she was lying on the bed. The doctor said that she had slightly high blood pressure.

Mr. Luo, the chairman of the board of directors, had a car accident just after two significant groups of Luo and Bai had negotiated the cooperation of two projects.

No one believed that it was an accident. The contract hadn't been signed yet. Not only did the owner of the Luo group have a car accident, but a business district project in the east of Luo family city suddenly had an accident. Two people were killed, one was injured, making headlines, and the project was temporarily stopped.

This was a big project worth 10 billion yuan. When the project was invited for bidding, all the enterprises in city A rushed to do it, and finally, the old enterprise Luo got it. Now, with the death of the people, the government stopped under the influence of public opinion. The project was reassessed as a high-risk level by the bank. The bank reduced the loan term and asked Luo, the group, to repay as soon as possible.

If it were an ordinary time, the bank wouldn't give the Luo group so little time. After all, as a leading enterprise in city A, they won't be living on one project alone.' You stopped my loan today. Who will cooperate with you next time?'

However, just like the case with the Bai family, there were projects before the suspension, and banks were after debt collection, just like It's like someone had deliberately instigated it.

The little girl didn't understand anything. With a frown, she was looking at the window of the hospital bed without blinking. She wanted to have an X-ray vision so that she could see how her grandfather was doing.

That big uncle, now Grandpa, was very kind to her. When she squatted at Luo's door for the first time and waited for her father, grandpa didn't drive her away either. He also took her home and let her see her father.

She also secretly heard that grandpa told her father not to be cruel and nice to her.

The more the little dumpling thought about it, the sadder she was. Tears flowed from her eyes.

Luo Sheng frowned, and nobody knew what he was thinking. The little dumpling didn't dare to make a noise for fear of disturbing his father. Uncle system said that her family would go bankrupt, and his father's family might go bankrupt as well.

What does bankruptcy mean? The little dumpling didn't know much, but she asked. After bankruptcy, there is no money in the family, no money for clothes, no money for candy, even no big house. Before crossing into a new world, Yinyin had a hard time. She knew what it was like to be barefoot in winter without shoes. I also knew that other children had beautiful clothes. She didn't even have clothes.

As soon as she had to go out, she was wearing the old skirt that she had picked up from the garbage can. It was big and wide. She was short and looked like a mop on the floor. When other children see her wearing it, they will laugh at her. They would laugh at her for wearing a worn skirt. They would laugh at her for being a little pauper without a new dress.

Other children also had lollipops to eat in school. Yinyin didn't have any. Yinyin hid at home and worked every day. That woman needed her to pour out the garbage after eating and wash her clothes. YinYin's small hands were short and inflexible, and when the clothes were not cleaned well, the woman would beat and scold her as a drag bottle and a door star.

After being scolded for a long time, Yinyin knows that it was not a good word. It was because she hated poverty. The woman hated her, But grandpa didn't hate her. Instead, he likes her, her father's mother, her grandmother, also wants her, and her father also likes her.

While grandpa was lying in the ward for surgery, grandma passed out, and Daddy became unhappy.

The more she thought about it, the sadder she felt. And soon, tears started flowing silently.

When Luo Sheng looked up, he saw that the face of the girl standing on the seat beside him was wet, and her face was covered with tears.

After realizing that he was looking at her, she hurriedly started wiping off her tears casually and tried to block her reddened eyes from his sight.

"Daddy, Daddy don't look at me; Yinyin didn't cry."

How big can a child's hand be under three years old? Half of her face couldn't be covered. Luosheng looked into her eyes.

The little dumpling was worried about him; she didn't want her father to know she cried. 'Daddy had been so sad, so tired; she can't give him any more trouble.'

He took the little dumpling to his lap and rummaged in his pockets. He didn't find the tissue, so he just wiped her tears off with his hands.

His big warm hand was wiping snivel tears on his small fat face; Huang Mao, on one side, looked straight at his eyes; how clean is this guy usually?

'I used to hate the crying of the children the most. I was so tired at first sight. Now I even wipe the tears and snivels of the most hated child with my own hands?' Huang mao watched for a long time, his mouth almost couldn't close, but he didn't dare to say anything, so he just sat there watching.

He looked at his hand, which was dirty; he wiped it on the coat that he was wearing. He wiped his hand back and forth till it was clean. The little girl's face was clean. His hands were clean. But in the end, his coat fell victim.

Huang Mao: "…"


Soon, the ward door was opened, and the doctor came out and said, "The operation went smoothly. If he weren't taken to hospital in time, the consequences would be hard to say. Maybe, even his life could not be saved. Fortunately, that didn't happen."

"If the patient recovers successfully, he will wake up within 24 hours, but because the accident was serious, so he must recuperate for at least half a year and stay in the hospital for observation for half a month…."

He said a lot of miscellaneous things. Even if he was rescued, Mr. Luo was seriously injured. It could be seen what would have happened if he had not been saved in time. Hearing this, several people were terrified. After Mrs. Luo woke up, she listened to this, and she kept her hand on her chest and said Amitabha.

She couldn't believe it. Without Lao Luo, what would she do? What would the Luo family do? Now both the Luo and Bai families are in the wind and rain. The waves were hitting them. Thinking of this, Mrs. Luo looked at Luo Sheng lying on the edge of the bed and then looked at her little girl.

She stretched out her hand and hugged the body of the little dumpling tightly. She said while kissing her intimately, "Thanks to Yinyin, I would have been finished if Lao Luo Hadn't been brought to the hospital in time."

The little dumpling blushed when she was praised. She whispered that Grandpa would be OK.

When the little dumpling was sitting in the yard playing, she heard uncle system say that there was an accident at Luo's house. She didn't know what bankruptcy was, but the system told her that three people would deal with her and her father's house. Now there was an accident

The system hesitated for a moment and told her that her father's father had an accident. The driver of the truck hit the car which Mr. Luowas driving, and after the collision, the driver ran away. The car was nearly flattened, and Her grandfather almost died.

In the original scenario, the villain's father was dead, the driver who caused the accident escaped, and the road where the accident happened was quite deserted. There are few passers-by. Due to the lack of timely assistance, Mr. Luo lost his life by the time he was found out because he had lost too much blood.

Later, the Luo group went bankrupt. Mrs. Luo jumped off a building to commit suicide because of their husband's death. After that, the villain disappeared. Luo Sheng and the Luo family were never seen again in city A. It wasn't until five years later that the villain returned and came to city A as a newly born overseas Chinese businessman. He was the boss of an overseas investment company.

After coming to A city, the villain had done several big things one after another, which made the business circle turn upside down, even the stock market crashed. In the beginning, several of the culprits who had jointly harmed his family went bankrupt. They jumped from the building. They went crazy. None of them had a good ending, and all of them were ruined.

City A was such a mess that it naturally attracted the attention of the people above. A joint investigation team was sent to the city. One of the investigators was the male lead role of this world.

After half a year's worth of investigation, the villain was finally found and was ultimately arrested.

But somehow, when the plot came to this point, it began to break down. The hero died for no reason, and the villain disappeared again.

The purpose of the system was to prevent the villain from going astray and disturbing world peace.

After the analysis of the system bureau, it was believed that the villain hid the truth and killed the male leader. Even the villain was likely to deliberately let the male leader come after his head and then kill him.

After thinking about it, the system told the little dumpling the location of Mr. Luo's accident.

She started crying at that time. She believed that if uncle system said that, something must have happened to Grandpa. But she couldn't call. She had to find her father for help.

Fortunately, because of the incident these days, Luo sheng has been at home. The two families are not situated too far away, but the little dumpling's legs were short, so she begged the nanny, Aunt Zhang, to carry her over.

When she arrived at Luo's house, her father was sitting on the sofa and didn't watch TV before him but was playing games with his mobile phone in his hand.

When she saw her father, she fell on his lap crying. She couldn't say that the uncle system exists. She screamed and said that she had a nightmare. She dreamed that grandpa was lying in the car, covered with blood.

"Grandpa is injured, Dad, go to save him!"

The little dumpling saw fear surging up in her father's eyes; she increased the intensity of her crying for more effectiveness and cried heartily.

It was not easy for the three-year-old dumpling to convince the Luo family ultimately. She dared not even talk on the way. He's afraid that when she speaks, he can't help but drop the bomb, and Aunt Zhang will discover her secret.

Afraid that her father didn't believe her, she mentioned all the places she had heard from Uncle system. She also said that she had dreamed that the truck had flattened grandpa's car, "Grandpa must be very painful."

Even if someone considered it a child's banter and won't usually believe a three-year-old's nonsense, one would still blame her for ominous talk and scold her. But Luosheng is not an ordinary person. He was confused when she cried all over him.

He narrowed his eyes, picked up the dumpling, and drove out in the blue sports car. He had placed the girl in the front passenger seat.

The car drove very fast, hula!!! The dumpling had taken a sports car for the first time in her life, but she was not afraid because she had her father around. Her trust in her father was strong, and she even urged him to drive a little faster and go to save Grandpa.

Mrs. Luo hugged the chubby little girl tightly and cried bitterly, saying that she was her lucky little star.

Even if others won't believe it, she thought it. Little YinYin must be related to her Luo family. She was the lucky star of the family. Only because she dreamed about Lao Luo's accident could he be saved.

Older adults used to say that children with their pure aura could communicate with heaven and earth and favored heaven.

Mrs.Luo kissed several times on her forehead, "Darling, my little YinYin is so good. Thanks to you, Grandpa was saved. Grandma doesn't know how to thank you.

The brown-haired man squinted his eyes, with his back to her grandparents, stood by the window in the ward, looking out of the window. Outside the window, the sky was blue. Occasionally, a gust of wind blew by, bringing a heatwave.

The man stood by the window, looking lonely from the back; it seemed very sad, at least in the eyes of the little dumpling; she ran towards him.

At the foot of the man, softly she reached out and pulled his trouser legs, looked up at him, and comforted him, "Don't be sad, daddy, it doesn't matter if you go bankrupt, Grandpa will be ok…."

'I'm afraid that my father can't wash clothes because he's so spoiled. I'm worried about what he will do after bankruptcy.' Her face was blushing, and her eyes were full of vigor. "Daddy, even if you go bankrupt, Yinyin will pick up bottles to raise you, don't be afraid!"