Chapter 14

Early in the morning, the Weibo exploded with activity, and the official blog of Luo Group, which grows grass all year round, suddenly sent a microblog. This microblog was not as serious as the general official blog. It jokingly read: "Our prince is going to be a father!" And posted below was a picture of the household register and a family picture of four members.

The little dumpling was wearing a pink princess skirt; her little chubby face was round, with delicate and lovely facial features, smiling sweetly to the camera. She sat on the shoulder of a young unruly but handsome man and made a V sign in front of the camera without forgetting to stretch out her chubby hand to hold dad's hand.

The young man seemed to be a little impatient, standing lazily, and his pretty eyebrows were slightly wrinkled.

But a netizen with sharp eyes saw that Luo Sheng's other hand supported her tiny chubby waist to prevent her from falling.

Netizens ridiculed this move as an honest new and arrogant newly promoted at home, dad!

The netizens thought that microblog would block their comments or take down the post when he was exposed. Unexpectedly, they were left out in a daze when he replied at the bottom of the statement that it was their little princess of Luo Group!

The comment section of the official blog of Luo Group was immediately crowded!

Netizens asked who the little princess was?

Haven't you heard that Luo Sheng is married and has children?

Some people envy that the little dumpling was adorable and was jealous of Prince Luo!

"All four members of the family are of high beauty value! But… Who is Luo's daughter-in-law? Why can't we see her in the picture?"

"It's not an illegitimate child, is it?"

"Can Prince Luo be so careless with women?"

Netizens were scratching their heads with curiosity. It was the time to work, but the comments broke through thousands in a flash and tens of thousands in half a morning.

After the official blog was published, it disappeared. Just when netizens thought it was going to be a mystery. Several comments were at the bottom: "Oi, go to see it; Bai group has launched the blog!"

"What does the Bai group has to do with it?"

With such curiosity, some people followed the lead and went to the official blog of Bai Group.

And then, it blew up!

Bai group V: "Our mutual little princess. @LuoGroup: Our prince is going to be a father! "

Although both microblogs didn't say who the little princess was, many netizens guessed the truth.

"So, Is Luo's little princess the little heiress of the Bai family who was only three years old, as mentioned in the last news? "

"What??? The prince of the Luo family has adopted the little princess of the Bai family?"

"Don't forget that those relatives of the Bai family have done some evil things for the little princess's heritage. They are still in prison now! So no one in the Bai family can adopt her!"

Apart from being cute, more netizens were calling the little princess lovely!

Soft like glutinous rice ball was how the little dumpling looked like; she was delicate and lovely. She was a sweet angel!

Especially when she appeared with Luo Sheng, they had a strange feeling of enormous contrast. But there's that mess. It was hard to say as he went abroad to study for three years, but there were many early materials to deduce from.

After all, he was not a good boy from childhood, especially when he was a teenager, a school bully, and a car racing delinquent who often fought and occasionally reported by the small media.

Some netizens began to question, leaving a message on Bai's Microblog: "Can such a dandy be a good father? Do you feel relieved to give the little princess to such a young man who only knows how to eat, drink and play? "

Soon, microblogging became popular among several people. The first one was topic building, our common little princess, followed by super father, Luo group's statement, Bai heirs being picked up.

The second excellent father was hot search and was rising in the most searched topic rank list faster and faster, and it seemed that it would soon take over the No. 1 position.

Many netizens left a message below, saying that the Bai executives were too irresponsible to give their three-year-old princess to such a playboy. They were not afraid that the Playboy would lose the Bai family!

In the beginning, it was a logical question, but over time, with the addition of a keyboard man, a microblog that should have been fun became a battlefield with a strong flavor.

Luosheng was the only son of the chairman of the Luo group. He was young and handsome. He had a lot of dark history. He was only good at eating, drinking, and playing. He was a typical dandy.

Such a person was a very suitable object to hate the rich.

Many radical comments made Luo Sheng appear worthless. They even speculated that the Luo family adopted the little dumplings for the sake of the Bai family's property, just like those Bai relatives.

Otherwise, Luo Sheng was not married, had no children, and liked playing around. Why do you have to pick up a milk bottle and go home to raise her?

"@ Bai group, you should be careful not to have your surname changed one day without knowing it."

"@ Bai's group, after all, a swell is always a dandy. Aren't you afraid to bring your child to such a person? Hurry up and get the child back!"

Many people advised the Bai group to get the child back, and even those neutral passers-by thought he was unreliable.

The chivalrous keyboard warriors seemed to have stepped on the painful feet of Luo Sheng. Just then, the master appeared!

A new account called Your Uncle Luosheng posted a microblog, which was forwarded by the official blog of the Luo group. People went to see it along the way, and tens of thousands of fans immediately followed the small account.

He wrote:

Your Uncle Luosheng: "Tut, I love to raise, it's none of your business?"

Melon Eating Crowd: "You're lying through your teeth!!!"

Keyboard man: "…"

"This Luo Sheng is too hard to beat! How does it mmmm feel to be a little handsome?"

"Tut, I'm so angry!"

"Admit it, if a swell can't raise a child, he can't raise a child. Don't teach the little flower of the motherland bad things!"

The man was holding his phone; his face was dark, his fingers were flying, one comment followed by another, and then soon he got a title on the Internet, which was "Crazy" by netizens!

At this time, the little dumpling was lying on the sofa next to her father and playing with toys. She was compassionate. Seeing that her father's face was not looking good and the toys were not playing, she leaned closer to him and grabbed his big hand. "Baba!"

Luosheng looked down at the little dumpling and her clear eyes for a while. He didn't know how to smile.

With a lazy smile, his hands touched her head. "Tut, it's just raising a baby; what's so difficult?"

"What did you say, daddy?"


"Dad, you've messed up my hair!"

Luo Sheng listened to her, thought about it, and tried to make the wild hair tidy. To raise the baby, start from the hide!

"What are you doing, dad?"

"Tying your hair."

YinYin heard that, and her eyes brightened up, cleverly sat on daddy's leg, "Daddy, tie up my hair!"

The man looked at the pink butterfly rubber band in his hand for a long time and then started to move strangely.

The little dumpling was young, with short, thin, and loose hair. He couldn't catch any of them. He can only grasp the middle part in his hand.

Finally, after several tries, a little crooked pony was formed on the top of the head of the dumpling; it was tied into a braid and matched with the cute and beautiful face of the ball.

The little dumpling felt the slight pull and smiled contentedly, "Daddy is so nice!"

Mrs. Luo came down and didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She wanted to tie her hair again. She said, "it's too ugly!"

The little dumpling held her head and refused to let go. "It's not ugly; it's so good for Dad to tie it!"

Luosheng's mouth was cocked up into a smile, but when he saw the crooked slight clench on the top of the dumpling's head, he couldn't help frowning, thinking of those people on the Internet saying: "He is a dandy boy who can't even take good care of himself, how can he take care of a child?"

As long as it was not a big deal, the three members of the Luo family won't rest assured and let them go. As for the small illiterates who don't know a few major characters, they don't know anything.

Mrs.Luo was busy organizing a birthday party for the dumpling. It was the third birthday of the little dumpling. She planned to invite all the well-known people into the circle.

One thing was that the Luo family were thrilled, and the other was that they wanted to take this opportunity to introduce her lovely little granddaughter to the outside world officially!

It's like having a baby, and they couldn't wait to show off! Especially with her granddaughter's rivals, to envy them!