Chapter 43

The girl woke up suffocating.

She opened her eyes to see a horrible aunt strangling her neck, her lungs aching. Suddenly, the pressure lifted causing her to uncontrollably cough.

The woman who was strangling the child had the face of confused realization. 

She looked at the coughing child in front of her, her eyes veered side to side and didn't know what to do. After a moment, she said nothing.

The dumplings were a little bit painful and didn't dare to cry, but they looked at the system with a crying room: "Uncle system, system uncle..."

"Isn't it good to find Dad? Who is this bad aunt?"

The system silently said: "She will take you to find Dad, you should not make a noise, let's go with her."

The timing of bringing the little girl  to the world  is not very good. The Film Emperor was a good-natured person who had been educated and docile and gentle, and had been forced to the extreme. The villain has no intention of withdrawing from the entertainment circle, but some people do not let him go, still trying to cling onto his fame or backstabbing him for his resources, causing the villain life to be difficult, and after discovering the truth mastermind behind his downfall, the villain designs a plan to kill the man and then kill himself.

The child who is possessed by the little cubs really exists, not the flesh provided by the system like the first two worlds.This child is the B-line actress Yao Li who used a trick to spend the night with the film emperor at the celebration party banquet four years ago.

Yao Li intended to have a one-night stand with a popular movie actor, so as to sneak into the shadow of the emperor and blacknail him for resources. Unfortunately, after waking up that morning, the CEO called her to "work" together. Yao Li did not dare to delay, hurriedly packed up and left.

Seeing the shadowless emperor who still feels sleepless, Yao Li has not contemplated reconciliation, but this is far less important to her, as he has lost face in the eyes of his followers.

Who would have guessed that a month later, Yao Li found herself pregnant.

She thought about it, and she was not sure whether it was the CEO or the one night stand with that Film Emperor. Yao Li's first thought was to find the CEO, but then backed out as she believed him to be penniless.

She decided to call the CEO, who is far more rich than her, but his wife at home was like a tigress. After listening to her distress, the madam said, "I will send you money, but you must kill this child, or else you will be blocked and no longer be able to appear in the world."

Yao Li was frightened. After finding out about her pregnancy, the CEO seemed to have signs of wanting to abandon her. In order to be rich, Yao Li thought of Zhu Ji the Film emperor and considered keeping the child. 

The young emperor is handsome and self-satisfied. He is a famous gold bachelor in the entertainment circle. She knew that the actor would definitely take responsibility for their child and not abandon her. 

But Yao Li thinks that if the first reaction of the actor was the same as CEO about also getting an abortion, what should she do?

She had a lesson this time. She didn't dare to go to the actor, instead giving birth secretly. On the other hand, she said told the CEO that she already had the abortion and gave him a forged medical record. She got a large compensation from the Madam, after getting the money, Yao Li returned to his hometown to raise a baby.

When she came out from her hometown, the child was already two years old. It was the most lovely time for the child. Of course, she did not have the patience to raise her baby. The child was brought by her grandmother. The old woman would always be feeding the  child and it wasn't long before the kid had chubby fat. When she just brought the child out of her hometown, it looked like a small group of chubby and very cute. Now after a few days she is hungry and thinner.

There is another reason why Yao Li hates this child. Maybe it is the relationship of medicine she used to drug the Film Emperor. When the dumpling is two years old, this child will not speak, nor will she call people, she is stupid, just like a fool.

There is better than nothing, Yao Li is thinking about it, if the film emperor does not want to marry, at least give her three large resources, two advertising resources, and then compensate for the lost time and the spiritual loss of taking care of the child. The film emperor is so rich, the pay is a million cash, and it is not too much to give her 10 million casually?

Who knows that when she decided to throw away the child to her father she was late, only to find out that the Film emperor  had chosen a literary blockbuster. I don't know which corner to go or the old forest to close the filming. This is half a year, and he is busy publicizing it. Zhu Ji also received two big-name advertisements to shoot, flying around in the sky, so many bodyguard assistants around the emperor, she could even touch his coat after all,,l which is the one that has been retired for two or three years?

Moreover, Zhu Ji Weibo does not accept private messages from strangers. Yao Li did not find a suitable opportunity to break the news to him.

Then the movie was on the line, and also won several heavyweight awards at the Venice Film Festival. When Yao Li heard that he won many awards and his fame skyrocketed, she was very happy. She didn't want to take the money anymore. She wanted to marry the wisher and be a wife.

As a result, she waited for the return of the film emperor, Yao Li, who did not expect it. He had not returned to the country and won many scandals on the Internet on the second day.

Yao Li paid attention to this matter all the time. Seeing that he was returning to China and being taken away by the police, it was a matter related to drug use. She almost cut off the nails anxiously, and she thought about her efforts for more than three years. Will all go down the drain?

Now, everyone wanted to keep their distance from Zhu Ji. Zhu Ji had sold all his assets and  up all his savings. Have you ever seen such a poor guy on the Internet? Yao Li was not so stupid.

But the plan she had brewed for three or four years, turned out to be a failure of her mind. She had no logic left in her at all. The little child was frightened by her, and cried twice like a small chick. Yao Li angrily grabbed the child's neck.

In the original world, Yao Li strangled the child to death. The system brought the little dumpling into the body of this child at this time.

YinYin with this body's instinctive fear towards this woman, subconsciously chooses to stand far away.

She looked at the woman timidly and fearfully, and her eyes brightened when she saw the man on the sofa.

However, due to the fierce and bad aunty standing beside her, she did not dare to move or speak.

Yao Li sneered and played with her fingernails and said, "That's what happened. Anyway, you're in such bad luck already. I don't have as many of them."

"When I was pregnant, I went back home to give birth to her. After I came back, I bribed your makeup artist to give me a few of your hair for a DNA test."

Yao Li threw the paper towards him and the papers fell on the table.

"It cost me two thousand yuan to take a DNA test. I thought it was worth it at that time, but tut…" She scornfully looked at the man from head to toe and thought to herself, how good-looking he was! She couldn't do anything without money. She looked unlucky even from a distance. She was stupid from the start. She must have gotten the bad luck from her last eight lifetimes to spend so much time on such a doomed person!

"Well, I won't say anything else. Anyway, this little brat is your seed. Don't try to be a rascal. I won't keep it. Keep it yourself!"

"Look at your now depressed appearance. Since I have already tested, at least I saved some money for you!"

"What's with that look in your eyes? Even if you don't believe me, I have proof to identify her as your child! Anyway, if you don't leave with this little retard today, I won't go either!"

Zhu Ji looked at the opposite side of the room and blinking her eyes at him was a child standing in the corner. The child's eyes were bright and clear. She was full of intimacy and admiration towards him. His voice was gentle but a little hoarse. At this time, he said in a gentle but hoarse voice, "Stay."

Worried that the woman might have misunderstood, Zhu Ji added, "The child stays."

"If you had said no, it would have been over!" Yao Li was about to leave after clapping her hands. It was not easy to get rid of such a big burden.

But the man behind her said, "You know I'm poor now. As the biological mother, you have to be responsible for child support."

The Movie Emperor, who was as warm as jade and as bright as moon, seemed to be embarrassed as he showed a shy smile, "I heard that the law stipulates that parents are obliged to raise their children till they are 18 years old and mature?"

When Yao Li heard this, she was shocked. She was a vain woman with only money in her eyes. Otherwise, she would not be willing to spend three or four years to plan a bright future for herself. She thought that even if she couldn't get money at least she didn't lose much.

Not only had she not received any money now, but he was also making her pay???!

The little dumpling stood still in her corner and watched for a long time. She was frightened by the woman who had come back. She ran to her father subconsciously and plunged her head into her father's arms. Her small body trembled slightly.

Zhu Ji was slightly stunned, and then put his hand on the back of the dumpling and gently patted to comfort her.

Yao Li raised her eyebrows and said, "Oh, I didn't see it before. This little rascal is so close to you even when she has just met you? What an incredible father and daughter pair!" That little fool, she gave birth to and raised for three years. She usually hid far away from her. Now she knows how to go and latch onto someone she has just met?

Yao Li was not jealous, just unwilling. She was full of anxiety. She won't be able to get out of the alimony! She won't pay up, not even until death!

"Tell me, what do you want?"

Zhu Ji smiled and let her wait.

He picked up the laptop beside him and turned it on. Because of the nature of his work, Zhu Ji usually had to sign various contracts or copy scripts and so on. He used printers and a laptop all the time, so the living room was equipped with a printer.

Zhu Ji took out the printed paper and handed it over to her. "After signing it, you will have no obligation to raise the child after she is separated from you."

The Movie Emperor smiled gently, one could not detect any big change in his expression since the beginning at all. His facial expression was placid. The 30-year-old man still had a sense of youth between his eyebrows. Yao Li was in a trance, remembering the first time she saw this man.

At that time, he was the biggest black horse in the entertainment circle. He was the No. 1 in the college entrance examination, the youngest Movie Emperor, the treasure of all directors.

Yao Li was so envious. She had been at the bottom for so many years. She admired such people and couldn't help being envious.

It was useless to think about it anymore. Yao Li had once heard that it was better to have a black-and-white agreement instead of raising the child herself. She could legally get rid of her relationship with this little retard. It was the best course of action.

Let this pair of father and daughter, a despondent movie emperor, a pauper and a little fool sweep the street together!

Yao Li glanced at Zhu Yinyin casually. The agreement on the paper said that, " I, Yao Li, voluntarily terminate my parent-child relationship with Zhu Yin Yin. Yao Li will not be held responsible for any expenses of Zhu Yinyin. When Zhu Yinyin grows up, she will not be responsible for Yao Li's support either.

Because of the idea of letting Zhu Ji take responsibility, Yao Li named her child after her father's surname. And since she was unmarried, her child didn't have a registered permanent address yet, which happened to make things easier. These procedures didn't need to be handled. One copy of the agreement would cut off the relation between them, and Yao Li left gleefully with the agreement.

Outside the gates of the Movie Emperor's house, she suddenly felt that her heart was empty, as if she had lost something precious.

Later, Yao Li couldn't help but think of this day. She thought that she had lost a big package and a little girl. In fact, she had lost the golden doll that would make money. She could only watch the father and daughter fly higher and higher, so high that she could not afford to and was no longer qualified to look.

The living room was quiet again after the high heeled woman left.

One big one small, looked at each other.

Yinyin wriggled shyly as she looked at her father's face. She blushed red like a tomato and opened her arms wide open as if she wanted a hug. Little YinYin whispered in a very shy voice: "Daddy."