No Talking While We're Kissing


The first time Cedric kissed Talia's body, he had transformed into a werewolf. It was as a werewolf that he had satisfied her.

He was now a man, completely and utterly, and he wanted to make love to her as a man made love to a woman, not as a wolf.

That distinction was not lost on Talia.

For starters, she had no fur to grab onto. His skin was smooth and firm and strong, his muscles ripped and tight. He had the kind of body that male models had, virile but not overly bulky.

The icing on the cake of course, was his intelligent amber eyes, strong nose, rugged jawline, and lips so sensuous, it should belong on a woman.

She had seen his human face before, of course, but never this close, and never in such a kissable vicinity.

At this moment, his face was not really at kissable vicinity. He had slipped down under the covers and was kissing her stomach.

Knowing where he was headed for, she began to mewl in anticipation, but Cedric was taking things slow. His hands and lips caressed her body, running from her waist all the way down to the tips of her toes.

She pushed the covers back to watch him as he began to trail kisses up her thighs. Once he reached the V of her body, he paused and gently pushed aside the lips of her vagina.

With slow deliberation, he dipped his tongue into her body and began a slow plunge into the depths of her very wet body, stopping short at her hymen.

Only with his tongue could he give her the penetration she craved and also control the depth of insertion so that she would remain a technical virgin.

Once they reached his palace, he would truly take her, completely and without hesitation. For now, she was going to have to be satisfied with his lips and tongue and mouth.

"Aaaaaaaaahhhh…" Talia gasped and grabbed onto the bed linens, trying not to make too much noise. It didn't seem as if she was complaining too much about what he was doing to her.

Cedric paused his tongue penetration and began to nuzzle her bud with his lips.

As he continued to suckle her, Talia shivered and spasmed, mewling softly with fevered excitement. He watched as she lolled her head back, mouth opened in an O of unbridled pleasure.

It was addictive watching her being pleasured by him and it didn't take long before Cedric felt his desire begin to rise once again.

His eyes were heavy with passion as he saw her body reacting to the stimulation he was giving her.

'Cedric.' She whispered into his mind.

'What is it Baby?'

'I want to kiss you too.'

He looked at her face and understood what she wanted.

Leaning back against the bed, Cedric picked her up and rested her on top of him.

'Flip your body around Baby.' He whispered into her mind. 'It's easier if you are on top so I don't accidentally crush you.'

She clambered around until her face was inches from his manhood and she was resting her hips on his chest.

'Perfect. Our bodies are actually at the perfect proportions to be able to do this.' He whispered into her mind, even as his mouth picked up where he had left off.

Talia smiled as she leaned into his shaft and began tonguing his dark pink knob.

'I'm just now realizing we can talk to each other and still kiss at the same time.

'Hush and let me enjoy your lips woman. No talking while we are sucking on each other.'

Cedric smiled tenderly as he heard, at the other end of his body, a giggle escaping from his woman's mouth as she worked her lips around the head of his shaft.

The light-hearted banter paused, but the light-hearted laughter and emotions continued.

It continued until it turned into a raging inferno of heat as they licked and suckled each other, giving and taking at the same time.

Talia began to feel herself rise. Her throat began to make barely audible mewling sounds as the crests of pleasure began to ramp up.

She could feel his lips nuzzling her clit and sucking gently, and the feeling was so intense, she could barely continue sucking on him.

Wave after wave of delight began to hit her at once and her strong muscles began contracting.

"Hah hah hah." She panted, shuddering with the intensity of release.

'That's right Baby. Let it all out.' He called out gently in her mind.

She paused for a moment to recover and then went back to working her hands and mouth on his manhood.

After a short while, Talia could tell that her suckling and deep swallowing was starting to push him back over the edge again.

'Haaaaahhh, Baby, I'm going to come.' He whispered into her mind.

Talia smiled and dipped her head down, swallowing his hard thick member all the way down to the base.

"Aaarghhhh!!! Haaaaaahhh." He groaned out loud in ecstasy as he spurted into her mouth once again, his body jerking and spasmed with orgasmic fervor.

They both laid there, panting and puffing from the physical high. Once they had sufficiently recovered, Cedric gently lifted her back so that she was once again resting her head on his shoulder.

'I thought you told me not to say anything while we were kissing.' She murmured into his mind.

'I was just having fun with you.' He chuckled.

She playfully bit him on the shoulder.

'That's what you get for teasing me.'

Cedric smiled as he ran his fingers through her hair. He could hardly believe that this amazing beautiful woman was his very own mate. There was nowhere else he'd rather be than lying in each other's arms after their love-making.

That peaceful blissful feeling caused his body to descend into the depths of deep relaxation. Within minutes, he felt himself being drawn back into that semi-lucid state of sleeping. It wasn't too long before he had fallen back into dreamland.

As for Talia, making love to Cedric had gotten her body so high, she was now completely wide awake. Seeing he had fallen back to sleep, Talia remained as still as she could so he could get more of his much-needed sleep.

Her mind began to wander and sift through all that had occurred within the last couple of weeks. She could hardly believe she was sleeping with such a powerful exquisite man, but it was more than that.

It was a strange and exciting feeling to know that she was with a man who was, at this very moment, fully human. He could however, could turn himself into a werewolf at will, and with his transformation, a whole new world of sensations became hers to wield.

It made it all seem so much more erotic.

His beast body turned her on in a rough and bestial sort of way.

As a beast, he was much larger in every aspect. His shoulders were broader, his body was taller. Even his penis was larger.

As a beast, he was incomparable.

As a man however, he was perfect.

She found herself craving his human body because he was physically beautiful. She was just a normal woman, and his human body was far more compatible with hers than his beast body was.

She sighed and settled further into Cedric's body.

As the train continued on its journey, Talia fell asleep to the rhythmic clackety-clack sounds of the train wheels moving on its track and taking them towards some faraway unknown destination.