The Making of a New Heir


Leaning toward her, he began kissing her with tender touches of his warm soft lips. His mouth teased and fluttered over her face and lips in feather soft touches.

From her lips, he moved to her earlobes, the corners of her eyes, and the back of her neck with gentle touches that left her weak and wanton.

Cedric knew she wanted more but he would not be rushed. His tongue darted about in tiny gentle kisses that both tickled and maddened her.

Moving back to her mouth, he began biting and suckling her lips with deliberate care in a manner that would have been rough and ardent if it hadn't been so slow and sensuous.

As his tongue thrust in between her lips, she quivered uncontrollably. He dipped into her mouth for a few seconds, only to retract and move elsewhere on her face.

As he continued kissing her, his fingers played with the buttons of her shirt and slowly unfastened them, one at a time.

Cedric began nuzzling her neck and collarbones, concentrating on the hollow between her clavicles.

As his fingers slowly unbuttoned her blouse, his tongue began dancing on the newly exposed areas of her throat.

With more exposed skin came more maddeningly slow kisses that covered the area he had just revealed. More buttons came off until finally, he was able to pull her blouse off and cast it to the floor.

Slowly, Cedric covered her with kisses, moving from the hollows behind her jawline to the point between her breasts.

He began teasing out each individual nerve ending and licking it until it was tingling with desire.

His hands reached up to cup her breast and he continued his exploration, flicking his tongue back and forth between each pink aureola.

And then with a sigh, he gave in to his need to possess her nipple. As his mouth fixed over the first one, Talia shivered with anticipation.

He did not disappoint.

His wet tongue moved with masterful strokes, flicking and licking her erect nipple, running round and round, her aureola with precision and control, leaving her gasping and writhing.

The feeling of his lips on her nipple caused a wave of pleasure that rippled directly to her womb. Her petals began to engorge as wetness gushed from between her legs.

"Mmmmmmh." She cried.

'Does that feel good?' Cedric mentally connected with her because his mouth was too busy suckling her nipples.

'Haaaaah…yes!' She responded into his mind as her body squirmed with pleasure.

He slowly moved to the other breast and began nuzzling it with his wet tongue.

"Haaaaaahhhh," Talia leaned her head back and gasped as he gently bit to her nipple. From her throat came uncontrollable wanton sounds. She mewled and moaned, squirming with pleasure.

Her lips parted as she inhaled the musky natural scent of his body. Her body trembled from the sweet tingly sensations he was causing on her nipple.

Cedric was above her, pinning her body down onto the bed.

"Cedric, get off me so I can undress you fully."

"Hmmm. Already impatient for my body, I see."

She turned her blue eyes and gave him a catty look.

"Are you going to let me up or not?"

Cedric chuckled and twisted his body so that he was lying on his back next to her.

"I'm all yours."

Talia grinned and clambered on top of him. With a few tugs, she tugged all of his kingly clothing off and dumped everything unceremoniously on the floor.

His naked muscular body splayed out in front of her, ready and eager for her ministration.

"Oooh. You are so beautiful." She whispered.

Cedric looked pleased to hear her say that.

"One of us is still over-dressed." He began yanking on her skirt.

With another quick movement, she kicked off the rest of her clothing, throwing them on top of his pile of clothes.

Before he could react, Talia had thrown her legs over his hips and straddled him.

Cedric's smile deepened with appreciation as his eyes swept over her naked body.

"Am I going to get ridden by my mistress?"

"Only if you're a good boy." She poked at his chest. "Are you a good boy?"

Cedric chuckled. "Oh yes. I'm a VERY good boy…"

Talia shook her head.

"Hmmm. I beg to differ."

"What do you mean?" He gave her an askance look.

"Good boys don't make their mistresses wait this long. Where were you last night? Were you with someone?"

Cedric closed his eyes and breathed a sigh.

"I was in a closed-door meeting with all the royal advisors all night long while they transferred kingly duties to me."

Of course, she knew this. While he was working with the advisors, he kept checking in on her mentally to make sure she was okay.

"That's not a good enough excuse." She pretended to scowl. "You will need to be punished!"

Talia reached out and grabbed his swollen engorged manhood with both hands.

A sharp hiss of breath expelled from Cedric's nostrils. His hands reached behind her head, gently cradling her.

She had never been a shy one to touch his manhood, and in fact, had cleaned him quite often there the times when he was wounded.

Still, the touch of a healer was very different from the touch of a woman who desired him, especially if the woman was completely naked and wanted him just as much as he wanted her.

Talia looked down at the large warm member trembling in her hands.

"Yummy." She smacked her lips. "I'm going to punish you now."

Lowering her head, she reached out with her tongue and licked the cleft of his shaft, tasting the slightly salty pre-cum that had begun to ooze from his slit.

"Mmmmmhhhh," he gnarled a deep wolflike growl and shuddered.

He had been holding his desire within all this time, waiting for the chance to clear himself of his fiancée, and now that he was completely hers, his body was bursting with an intense ache that could not be assuaged without his woman's touch.

"You like?"

Cedric nodded.

"If you want more, you have to ask me." She grinned wickedly. "Say, 'Please punish me more.'"

"Please—please punish me more." He murmured, trying hard not to laugh. She was such a little tease.

She lowered her head and swirled her tongue around the base of his engorged head.

As Cedric took a swift intake of breath, she pulled back to look up at him.


"Hmm. Is that all I get?" He smiled at her tenderly.

His mate could play games with him all day long if she wanted to. He would take anything she gave him as long as she was willing.

Without wasting any time, she tucked her tongue and wrapped her lips around his engorged head, swallowing him whole.

"Oh my…God…" he whispered, his eyes narrowing with passion as he saw his male member disappearing into her mouth.

This woman was driving him mad with desire.