Wanted Visions

The second time Talia woke up, Cedric had already left for the morning.

'Where are you?' She yawned as she stretched out her hand to touch the space where he laid. It was no longer warm.

'I'm back at the Advisors Chamber, Love.' Cedric responded absently, obviously working furiously on something.

'I didn't even get a chance to give you a good morning kiss before you left.' She pouted.

'I'm sorry Love.' He gave her a mental kiss. 'You were sleeping and I didn't want to wake you.'

'Can I have about ten minutes of your time, later today?'

'Of course!' He fell silent for a moment. 'How about lunch in four hours?'

It was eight in the morning. Four hours would make it noon.

'Do you want me to join you in the Advisors Chamber or do you want to meet me in the dining hall?'

'Dining Hall. I'll see you then.'

She jumped up and ran to get ready.

Four hours would give her enough time to have breakfast with Mother and Tarot and Devin. It would also give her a little more time to practice some more scrying with Tarot.

He had promised to show her how to use a mirror for scrying today and she was excited to try that out.

At her insistence, the attendants rushed through their morning routine of getting her ready for the day.

"No crazy bouffant hairdo!" Talia had warned.

She hated the hairdo but was told unceremoniously that it was the style that best accommodated the diadem that all Queens needed to have on before they could appear in public.

"I'm not going anywhere. The only people who will see me will be my family. No fussy hairstyle!" She had insisted.

It still took an hour of fussing and mussing with her clothing and jewels before she was allowed to go to the dining hall.

As soon as Talia walked into the dining hall, she could see that everyone was already there, including Devin and his two nursemaids, Anna and Portia.


Devin yelled out with excitement and held out his arms to be picked up.

"I'm sorry everyone. I woke up a little bit late." She smiled and pulled Devin up from his chair for a big hug.

"Sister! We saved you some hot porridge!" Tarot grinned and pushed the serving bowl full of porridge at her.

"Let me guess." She pursed her lips with mirth. "You ate all the eggs and sausages."

Tarot gave a guilty laugh as Mother rolled her eyes.

"Tarot never did like hot porridge."

Talia laughed. "Neither does Devin."

She kissed the boy on the head and sat him back down.

"Finish your breakfast." She pointed at Devin's untouched warm porridge.

"Yucky." He made a face.

"Don't say that about food. Remember what I told you about being thankful for food." She looked up at her brother.

"See Uncle Tarot eat porridge?" She narrowed her eyes at her brother who hurriedly picked up a spoon and began making yummy sounds as he swallowed a spoonful of porridge.

Devin gave Tarot a suspicious look but also picked up his spoon and began eating it in the same manner as Tarot.

"Have you told Cedric yet?" Mother asked as she watched the boys eat their breakfast.

Talia shook her head. She was about to explain the reason when a voice sounded at the entryway.

"Told me what?"

Cedric strode in through the open archway, his long blond hair fluttering behind him as he moved effortlessly towards them.

"Uncle!!!" Devin yelled out, holding his arms up in the same manner he had done with Talia.

Cedric picked up the little boy and leaned down to drop a kiss onto Talia's upturned lips.

"I thought you said we would have lunch together." She smiled.

"We will." Cedric sat down beside her. "I just suddenly missed you so badly that I couldn't wait till lunch time."

"Really?" She grinned.

He nodded. "I had to call for a short break to come see you."

Sibyl smiled and gave Talia a wink.

"Come on Tarot. I need your help with something important."

"What?" Tarot blinked in confusion.

"Let's go." Sibyl yanked her son up by the scruff of his collar and hauled him off the chair.

"Alright, alright! I'm coming!" He hollered as he staggered to his feet.

Talia chuckled into her hands. Mother was leaving them alone to talk.

"Love, I'm starting to get worried." Cedric gave Talia an apprehensive gaze. "What is going on, Talia?"

Talia shook her head. "Don't be alarmed. It's nothing catastrophic. Last night, Mother was helping me with scrying and I was able to get a clear vision."

Cedric gave her an intense look. Visions could also be catastrophic, depending on what it was that the seer saw.

For a king to have a seer as a wife was a double-edged sword. She could either help him attain great heights, or she could strike him down when he least expected it.

Of course, Cedric had no doubts when it came to his mate. She had saved his life on more than one occasion and had cared for Devin at the risk of her own life.

After all they had been through, he completely trusted Talia with every ounce of his fiber. He was depending on her to have his back, not stab him in the back.

"Was it a good or bad vision?" He prompted.

"It was most definitely a good vision, but there is something that you need to know."

"Go on." He prompted.

"I saw us making love." Talia grimaced.

Cedric's eyes lit up. "That sounds like a great vision!"

"It was! I have no issues with it. It was just…in my vision, I was six or seven months pregnant."

Cedric's bright amber eyes widened. He took a deep breath and reached out with both hands, holding onto his head.

"Oh my God." He sputtered. "I don't know what to say."

Talia gave him a startled look. "Are you happy? Are you sad? Talk to me!"

"Happy! Of course I'm happy!!!" He reached out and crushed her into his body, shaking with the effort to keep from shouting out loud.

He pulled back to look into her dazzling blue eyes.

"But—are you sure? How do you know this is a real vision?"

Talia reached out and touched her tummy.

"Mother touched my stomach and confirmed that I am pregnant. She felt another life within me."

"Holy Universe." He breathed. "How are you feeling? Are you able to feel the pregnancy at all?"

She shook her head. "It's still early days yet. I just wanted you to know because it's your child too."

"My child." He breathed. "Wow. I can't believe it. I'm going to be a father."

Talia laughed. "It's not as if you have no experience. You've been a great father to Devin these past couple of years."

"Yes, I've been taking care of him as if he's my son, but this child…this child is OUR child."

Suddenly, tears sprang from his eyes as he reached out to crush her again into his body.

As far as visions were concerned, he wouldn't mind having these all the time.