Destroy the facility

Since the first hostages were taken away from him, Ethan ordered for another kidnap! But this time round, heavily guarded!

He ordered some of his best elite soldiers to follow the van! So far, they hadn't encountered any ambush. Since they were only a few miles away from their destination, they thought they were safe!

The driver suddenly got a text message from his boss.

'When you reach the junction, take the left route.' the message read! It was actually Charlie who had sent the message!

The driver fell into the trap, he took the left route! Since a truck of elite soldiers were following them, they had no doubt about their safety!

But suddenly, the truck of elite soldiers flipped over! The driver stopped!

"What's happening?" The other asked as he looked at the truck.

"Get out!" They heard a voice. Looking around, they were surrounded by men in masks. The Red Knights!