Through the front visor of the Hawk, Blake sees the ever-mysterious outer space before him. An endless possibility of life and exploration are the tip of the iceberg in space. The Vexes came into Blake’s life as a way to prove himself to his father. He would do anything to help keep them safe. Now that he found his father he wants to nourish their relationship.
Lines warp the front view as the course is mapped by Alex using the computer system. A few hours away is a way station that will be a stopping point for the Hawk’s refueling.
“We are almost to the way station,” says Alex.
“Good we are on track to get to Earth on time,” says Blake.
“Should we send a message announcing our arrival to IIF by transmission so they will be awaiting us?” asks Alex.
“Yes we should send word of our arrival,” says Blake.
“Also I will need to fill orders for the Hawk to land on Earth,” says Alex.
“Yes, that too,” says Blake.
INITIATING DOCKING flash on the screen as they arrive at the docking station and position the Hawk in an empty spot. Their fuel tanks are filled enough to make it to Planet Kronos.
Blake and Alex get off the Hawk to stretch on the Center Station.
They walk around in a bit of pressurized atmosphere as the way station is located at the moon of a planet so the pressure is low. With every step they bounce a few inches in the air as if on a trampoline. Picking a table by the far side of the ships they sit down. They eat a meal together consisting of a hamburger and fries. Blake finishes his meal first and decides to order a technician to check on the Hawk for any repairs.
They are asked to wait four hours while their ship is serviced. Blake does not want to lose flight time, but he would rather lose four hours than the whole flight. Alex has an idea while they wait.
“Let us call Lily by transmission call,” says Alex.
“She might not answer,” says Blake, not trying to get his hopes up.
“We can try,” says Alex.
Alex and Black walk to the communication chub in the Center Station and pay for a transmission call of twenty minutes.
For the first ten minutes, they did not get any connection. It was only the last five minutes that Lily was able to answer.
“Oh my how are you two?” says Lily.
“Good,” says Alex.
“Well here,” says Blake.
“What has happened? Did you find him?” asks Lily.
“Yes, but we can not tell you the details later on in person,” says Blake.
“It is difficult,” says Alex.
“I am just glad you two are fine; we all have missed you,” says Lily
Minutes Low says an automated voice.
“We will stay in touch with you later,” says Blake.
“Bye,” says Lily
“Bye,” says Alex
The call ends as the minutes run out. Blake and Alex download the orders to enter into Earth. They relax until the technician talks to them about the Hawk.
“Your spacecraft is ready to go sir,” says the technician.
“Thank you,” says Blake.
Blake and Alex enter the Hawk and prepare to take off. Their next destination is Planet Kronos. A blur of light and metal falls behind as they enter into space.
While Alex pilots himself, Blake fills out the information for the Hawk to enter into Earth; most is basic information. The part he doesn't know how to answer is the reason for entrance. He tries to keep his wording concise and clear. He does not want to share any sensitive information with anybody that is not allowed to know the information.
They travel for two weeks with conversations among themselves to stay occupied. They
have only downloaded material on their handhelds to stay occupied. Alex is occupied most of the time with piloting. Blake tries to help. Alex is giving him free classes on piloting as his copilot. Blake now has a taste of why Alex likes to pilot; there is a certain freedom to it, like flying like a bird over an evergreen pine forest.
Delicately the Hawk enters Planet Kronos's stratosphere. Through layers of air, they dip, until they reach the planet. They have stopped at Rose City. A city is known for legal matters and affairs. This is where Blake will be turning in his form with a signed seal of approval to be transmitted to Earth. Approval takes forty-eight hours.
Blake steps out of the Hack with Alex behind him. They leave the files on the Hawk; it will be secure here docked with the other spacecraft in the area.
With the orders filled out, Blake takes his handheld and walks with Alex to an Earth customs office. The way to get there is through streets of modern architecture of tall glass buildings. Office #2 Earth Customs is a stone building that stands out among the glass. Inside the waiting area has a number assigned as a person walks in. #934. Blake waits ten minutes until his number is called. A young man calls his name through a plexiglass window.
“Hello, how can we assist you today?” asks the worker.
“We would like to turn in the entry period request for Earth," says Blake.
“I see, can I see the passengers' IDs and please connect your device to transfer the file,” says the worker.
Alex and Blake show their IDs and Blake transfers the file.
The worker enters information. He then checks over the file to submit it to the office system.
“You will be notified through the handheld number of your request in forty-eight hours,” says the worker.
“Thank you,” says Blake.
Alex suggests they lodge in a hotel room and wait there for the next two days. He offers to pay for it since Blake has been paying this whole time. Blake agrees. They enter a cozy room on the third floor of a hotel.
Alex takes the time to swim in the hotel infinity pool. He also spends time chatting with girls, who stay at the pool, flirting with any pretty female.
Soon Blake receives the request message. They have been approved for entrance. They leave the hotel and head back to the Hawk the next morning. Earth awaits.