Charged with the occupation of human territory and a risk to humanity, the Vexes faced charges without even being there on Earth. Black thought since they were not human they should not be treated like such, but the IIF thought otherwise. Alex and Black dressed in the best formal clothes they had brought. They prepared to leave and closed the door to the room. In the street, they stopped at a cab.
“709 East 5th St,” says Blake.
“For two?” asks the driver.
“Yes,” says Blake.
Ushering them in, Black and Alex sit in the back. They remain quiet for the rest of the trip. Blake feels like he wants to gasp for air as if he was a fish out of water. He counts his breaths. Stopping abruptly they have come to their destination. A grand white building stretches throughout most of the block. After paying, Alex and Black get out of the cab.