Chapter 8

Winning And Revelations (Part 2):

Writer POV :

"Vala you have to believe me, I am not joking." The demon told the girl standing before him who was looking less concerned. "I can't lie to you, you have demon blood running through your veins my princess." The demon added.

"I still don't believe you, how can you say I am a demon? If I am a demon like you claim then why am I not showing any sign of a demon, why am I not turning into your hideous form? Can you answer that lair?" Vala snarled.

"I am not lying to you my Princess, your mother awaits you to rescue her at Galore dungeon." The demon said.

"My mother is dead." Vala deadpan.

"Do you know who your grandfather is? He's the Dragon King." The demon told her. He wasn't lying and he wondered why the Demon princess wasn't believing him.

"Still lies, I'm an orphan Demon. My guardians told me my parents died before I came into this world." Vala said, how can she suddenly have a mother when her mother died before she came into this world. Isn't because of what Pula did that she's being punished? The evidence are all there so what the heck is this Demon saying?

She made to walk around him when his next words stopped her from moving.

"Your father is still alive my Princess. Have you ever wondered why you don't look like an elf? Why are you so different from them? I am not saying you don't have any elf blood in you, you do because your grandmother was the rightful Queen in the land of the Elves before she got married to your grandfather, who happens to be the Dragon King and pass the throne to her two younger sisters who are twins. She died when giving birth to your mother. I am telling you the truth my Princess. Have it never occurred to you why the two Queens treat you like a slave. There is a sword you father uses but he gave it to your mother, ask your guardians about the sword, they kept it hidden away from you. It's been two thousand years since your father was captured and imprisoned unjustly, he was framed and his demons were captured, just a few of us manages to escape." The demon told her.

"So let's say I believe and take the pendant, what happened next?" Vala asked, her heart was tugging her to believe the demon.

The demon turned to face her and bowed.

"You will know the truth which has been hidden away from you. Your mother and father saved you, don't you think it's now your turn to save them and clear your parents name, especially your father? The Demon King was innocent but someone framed him up so please Princess Vala, take the pendant and everything shall be revealed to you." The Demon responded, stretching out his talons fingers which held the golden shiny pendant.

"Fine, after all I want to know who my parents are." Vala said as she collected the pendant from him. "So what happened next? I thought as I touched it, it's going to glow and boom, everything will be revealed. So why is it not happening?" She demanded.

"Just wear it when you want to sleep, my Princess." The demon replied. "I and the captured demons shall await for our freedom through you."

Hiding the pendant in her left breast area. "Don't put your hope on me Demon, now release my teammates, we have that sword to retrieve from you." She told him.

"Oh, don't stress yourself my princess." The demon said and his two hairy hands stretch longer than before and grab the sword handle which he gave to Vala.

Collecting the sword from the demon. "This does not mean I will help you and those demons you spoke off, but thanks anyway." Vala told him.

Everything returns back to normal.

"Have got the sword lazy bones." Vala told her four team mates. "Let's go before the others get here." She added but before they would turn and leave, the rest of the supernatural came, blocking their path.

"Hand the sword to me or you won't be able to walk away from here with your two legs." The Witch leader, a male, threatened.

"Give the sword to me or else, I will cripple you and your team." The Werewolf leader, a male, threatened too, smacking his hands together which made a loud sound.

"I swear if you don't hand over the sword to me, I will--" The Dragon leader didn't finished his threats when Vala chains loosen around her two wrists and embedded the teams to one side of the cave wall, they couldn't get away from the chain despite the strength they used on it.

Vala and her team wasted no time to leave the cave the Demon was in and with her chains, she pushed the other teams into the demon cave and released her hold on them. She ran up to meet her teammates who were already running as her chains went back to their positions in her wrists, she passed them as they came out of the seventh tunnel and ran out of the cave.


The Elf were the first team to come out of the cave with the sword, then followed by the werewolves and the Dragon team's.

Vala gave the sword to Queen Alfy who presented it to the Fourth Lord.

They were declared the winner.


That night, after Vala had her bath and was about to sleep, she wore the pendant and slept off.

She found herself on a fancy table with various food and wine on it.

A young handsome man with curly black short hair was sitting opposite her and he was smiling widely when he saw her.

"You accepted the pendant my princess, I have been waiting for you." The unknown man said.

"Sorry, who are you?" Vala asked.

"Forgive my manners my princess, my name is Zelik, I am a servant to the third Lord of the whole supernatural, Lord Daniel."

"Okay, so why am I here?" She asked.

"Two thousand years ago, your father was wrongly accused and imprisoned by the cage Lord Daniel had created and your mother was imprisoned." Zelik responded.

"Are you trying to tell me my parents are very much alive?"

"Yes, they are alive. Lord Daniel knew this day would come so he told me what to do when the time comes. I am to guide you until you release your father." Zelik told her.

"This is hard to grab, I was told by my guardians that I am an orphan and now you and a demon are saying the opposite. For one thousand years, why didn't you come, why now?"

"We didn't know your whereabouts until three hundred years when a rumour began to spread. You are the only who would make your team win but won't follow them to the supernatural school. Tongues start wagging and when I decided to come and see things for myself, and when I came and saw you, I knew right away you are King Haule's daughter. So I came up.with a plan with one of the run away demons to be captured and for you to meet him."

"So are you saying you are real?" Vala asked.

"Yes, I am as real as you are and you can see me once you leave the land of the Elves." Zelik replied.

"This is unbelievable." Vala said. Why then would her guardians lie that her parents are dead when they are very much alive? Why?

"To know what really happened, drink the wine my Princess." Zelik told her.

"First of all, don't call me 'Princess', my name is Vala." She said taking a cup filled with wine and drinking it, all of it.

Then the images came pouring into her head.

Vala saw everything including how Pula became the way she was.