Chapter 10

The Truth and Leaving (Part 2):

She faces her guardians.

"You cut off Pula tongue and lied against her thinking that the truth won't surface one day." Vala told her guardians, everywhere was quiet. "Now listen and listen carefully to me, the both of you, I am leaving for the supernatural school tomorrow. Stop me if you can." Saying that, she made to leave their gathering when Haera's voice stopped her right in her tracks.

"Mother, are you going to keep quiet and allow her insult and disgrace you in public? Not only that, next year I will be going to the supernatural school. We need her to stay here till when I'm gone, not now that she's leaving." Princess Haera said, going to meet her mother, Queen Alfy, who was still seated on the ground and was not making any attempt to stand up.

Turning to face her, she smirked. "I expected that as the princess of the Land of Elves you would lead by example but you just disgrace me right now by saying this opening and to think we are related baffles me a lot." Vala told her and went to stand right in her front, princess Haera had to tilt her head to look at Vala's face, she was scared but tried not to show it but failed woefully when her hands began to shake. Vala lips twitched when she saw Haera shaking form. "You are the princess, it's time to do the needful because this sister of yours you're seeing now, won't be here tomorrow or next year. It's time for you to show other elves that you are not weak." She added and left.


"Oh you needed to see their shocked faces, it was priceless, girl, you really hit them hard." Dew said as she helped Vala to pack her belongings in a bag. Vala had gone to Princess Haera room to collect one of her bags she uses for keeping her clothes.

Vala has decided to take all the clothes she has since it hides who she really is. Going to the supernatural school under disguise will be perfect. Everyone will think she's an elf, a different kind of elf though, but who cares?

"But I did not see you."

"Oh you don't need to see me when I hear the two sounds of the slaps right here and also someone told me what happened." Dew explained.

Soon they were done packing. "I will miss you, try to pay me a visit my Princess."

"I will surely pay you a visit, it's a promise." Vala said hugging the shorter woman. "Thanks for everything Dew," She added.

"You are much welcome."

"I will go and collect my father's sword from my guardians and my mother spirit beast." Vala told Dew before she excused herself to meet her guardians who were in their separate rooms. She went to meet Queen Alfy first.

"What again Vala?" Queen Alfy asked as she saw Vala entering her room without knocking, on a normal ground, Vala wouldn't try such a thing.

"I came here for you to give me back my father sword and my mother's Jaguar." Vala responded calmly.

Queen Alfy didn't say a word rather she closed her eyes and a small portal, that can only pass a hand, opened. She opened her eyes and stared at Vala in a boring way.

"It's in there."

"Well what are you waiting for, take it or are you expecting me to put my hand in that? I am not a fool Alfy." Vala said this was the first time she was calling the Queen by her given name.

Mumbling some words Queen Alfy put her right hand in the portal and when she was withdrawing her hand, her father's sword was with her. The portal closes and she hands over the sword to Vala.

"What about my mother's Jaguar?"

"I have sent a message across to the guard who is guiding it, it should be at the palace courtyard right now." Queen Alfy responded ans as if on cue, they heard a roar.

"I will be leaving with Pula."

"None of my business."

"Yeah, goodbye Alfy, I hope when we meet again, it shouldn't be on a battlefield." Vala said and left without waiting to hear Queen Alfy's response.


Seeing the Jaguar, the spirit scented her and at once knew who it was. The Jaguar allowed Vala to caress him gently.

"Don't worry now, you are now safe." She whispered into the Jaguar ears.


Vala went to meet Pula and told her the good news and ordered the guards to unlock the chains around Pula and the woman full of smiles followed Vala to her room to bath and to wear one of her dresses.


Saying her goodbyes to Dew later that evening was tearful as the shorter woman couldn't let go of Vala.

"Be good Vala and don't take what people say about you at heart and always follow your heart." Dew told her. "And don't forget me."

"I won't, I will be coming here just because of you. Goodbye Dew." She helped Pula to climb the Jaguar and climbed after her with ease.

The Jaguar flew away leaving the Land of Elves.

Freedom at last.


True to Zelik's words, Vala saw him just outside the boundaries between the Land of the Elves and other supernatural creatures. Her eyesight was good so seeing from afar wasn't a new thing to her. She tapped the Jaguar once and he landed beside Zelik.

"I thought you wouldn't come, my princess." Zelik said as he smiled at Vala and his eyes rested on Pula, staring at her.

"Let's not waste any time." Vala said, bringing Zelik's gaze back to her. "Let's go."

"Of course my princess, I forgot to mention that the supernatural school has a hostel where those who won the task lives, so you and your elve"s team room are ready."

"So how can we communicate when I have four other people living in one room with me?"

"You will be given a separate room in the hostel my Princess." Zelik said. "You still wear the dress given to you by your guardians, remember it will hide and suppress your power."

"I know, but i want it this way because no one will know I am a demon."

"Okay, you are intelligent."

"And very smart too, so how am I going to hide my mother's spirit beast?"

"Just think of it disappearing and it will disappear, and when you want to summon it, just think as if he is there with you and he appears. Your mother's blood runs in your veins so it shouldn't be hard for you." Zelik answered.

"Thank you Zelik."

He smiled a little and stared at Pula briefly. "You are welcome my princess, let's go." Zelik said and summoned his spirit beast, a hippopotamus. "Follow me." He added and climbed his spirit beast.

Flying low, the Jaguar followed the hippopotamus until they arrived at Galore's Kingdom.

Unknown to Vala and Zelik, two pairs of white eyes hidden in the clouds watched them.