Chapter 12

Athena and Vala (Part 1):

Vala quickly rush and pushed off Ruthless with all her strength, but Ruthless didn't move, he was like a strong solid rock that refuses to move.

His angry gaze landed on Vala as Vala right wrist chain unrolled by itself and circle the leg which he used in pinning the Dragon boy to the ground. Vala used all her strength on the chain to drag Ruthless feet away but all to no avail, she couldn't move his leg.

What is happening? Why can't her chain pull his leg? This has never happened before.

She tired to remove her chain from his leg but got the surprise of her life when it didn't.

The dragon boy under Ruthless feet burned and melted into ashes and finally disappeared.

The rest of the newbies all ran out or the cafeteria except Vala who was trying every tricks to make her chain loose from his leg. It seems her chain had taken a new likeness for him. She stopped and glared at him, she noticed he was staring at her and if looks could kill....

"You don't have to kill him just to pass a message idiot, you could have just slapped him." The words came rolling out of Vala's mouth before she could stop herself.

"Which kingdom prison did you escape from?" Ruthless asked walking closer to Vala, his voice was cold, like ice and strangely enough Vala finds herself carving for his voice. "Just thank your stars that I don't kill women, if not, you would have been long dead." He added with a cold smile once he was closer to her, much closer to her, in fact he was invading her breathing space.

This close, Vala noticed how tall he was and handsome, his white long hair which falls around him made his chiseled chin stand out. His eyeballs were white, so white that Vala couldn't tear her eyes away from them. They were so fascinating to her, she has never seen a person with such kind of rare eyes before. He was so beautiful.

"Let go." Ruthless said and the chain around his leg slid off and went back to Vala's wrist which surprised her.

Mr Handsome had just utter two mere words and her chain listened to him whereas she has been trying all the tricks she knew on her own bloody chain.

It had betrayed her. She wanted to cry.

"Let me give you a fare warning, the next time you try this, don't blame me. Now, GET OUT."

"You have a nice voice." She blurted out and and her eyes widened in shock. Mr Handsome facial appearance didn't change at all. "Bye." She rushed the word out and ran out of the cafeteria. At the door she saw every students who were eavesdropping. They all stared at her and Fairy came to her, grab one of her hand, and started dragging Vala away. Vala allowed Fairy as her mind was occupied.

Everything that she did out there was her plan. She even pretended that her chain wouldn't let go of his leg but what shocked her was when he commanded her chain to let go and it obeyed. She wasn't expecting that.

Anyway, mission one accomplished. Mr Handsome is hot tempered and kills.

She wondered what the parents of the dragon boy would feel when the news get to them.

They were outside the cafeteria when Fairy let go of Vala's hand, facing her, blocking Vala from moving.

"You've got a lot of guts to stand before Ruthless without peeing in your pants Vala, how do you do that?" Fairy asked, still surprised. "You are the only one who has talked to him and you're still breathing."

"He is just like us, remember, so I see no reason why I should fret like a rat." Vala answered.

"He is nothing like us, at least we all have that compassion inside of us all but him..... he's a different case." Fairy said. "You are only saying that because you have not seen the real Ruthless."

"That still didn't change the fact that he is like us, I am only a little bit sad that I couldn't save the dragon boy."

"I don't really blame him, no one takes their time to go through the paper Mr Jack gave to them, you know the newbies. At the back of the paper is a written note that says you should stay away from Ruthless." Fairy explained.

They resume walking. "Here is our class." Fairy said pointing at a five storey building. "When you are through with this class, we graduate and move to the second floor, and that's how we do it until we reach the fifth floor where we are going to write an exam and wrestle with Ruthless and if he wins, you will have to re-start again from the first floor which is where we will be until next year."

Wow, this is not what she was expecting. "So what about this other building?" Vala asked, pointing at the two storey building facing the one they were about to enter.

"That belongs to Ruthless, he allows no one closer to him. Do you see those bricks?" Fairy asked, pointing at the four big bricks made of rocks in front of the building. "You can't get past the four rocks without joining it together to open the veil. It's like a puzzle and once you get it, you get entrance to that building." She added.

"......." Vala opened her mouth to say something but closed it when she saw Ruthless walking towards the said building and a white veil opened and closed once he passed it.

"You see what I am telling you, no one can get in, somehow, he likes to be on his own, he doesn't associate even with his family." Fairy told her.

"If I take a look at the rocks I will be able to open the veil." Vala said with confidence.

"If she can not do it, what makes you think you can?" Fairy asked out of blue.

"And who is this she?" Vala demanded, suddenly interested to know the new Lady.

"Athena, the goddess of war. Everyone here knows about her love for Ruthless." Fairy replied.

"But does he love her?" Vala asked.

"In her dreams, rumor has it that she fell in love with Ruthless when he was still young and thought that if he grows up he might reciprocate her love, but she got the opposite. I think it is because of her, Ruthless did that so that she won't disturb him. Ruthless has rejected her many times but Athena won't give up on her love for him." Fairy explained.

"Wow, when is class starting?" Vala asks out of blue.

Staring at the sky before looking back to Vala. "30 minutes from now since we didn't eat, why are you asking?" Fairy asked.

"Because I am going to solve that puzzle." Vala replied and walked to one of the rocks and shouted. "Ruthless, come out right now, I am going to open the veil."

It was as if Vala was only hearing her breathing because other student's heart just froze and soon they began muttering.

"She again."

"First was at the school cafeteria and now here?"

"She is asking for her death."

"Oh Ruthless is so going to deal with her, he enjoys killing people."

Vala ignored them and focused on the building in front of her.

No noise was heard from the inside.

"Or are you scared that I am going to solve your puzzle?" She shouted again louder than before.

The muttering died down and Vala couldn't hear a sound, it was as if she was the only here. If it weren't for their different aura hovering around, she would have believed she's the only one in the school.

Why was it so quiet?

"The mighty Ruthless is scared!" Vala yelled out in a taut, hoping that would bring him out.

"Oh I am not scared."

Ruthless voice sounded behind her and her heart nearly skipped twice, not in fright though. She turned around to face him and saw him closer to her.

Why is he always close to her?

"I see you came out."

"Yes, and if you can't solve my puzzle I will punish you that you will wish for death."

"And if I am able to solve and open the veil, you won't kill anyone again, deal?"

A small smile tugged his lips and Vala breaths sized, she knew right away she wanted to have his child and start a family with him.

And the only thing that would make her think of starting a family with him is if only they are Mates.


And something also bothered her as she thought about it, how does he see her?

Ugly or more Uglier?