Chapter 19

I'm Falling In Love With You Ruthless (Part 3):

Ruthless rolled his eyes and folded his arms behind him.

"Are you going to gently stand up or should I do the honors?" He asked.

"Your worst can't make me move an inch Handsome, try me," Vala said in a challenge, smirking, as the onlookers watched with interest.

Vala suddenly found herself falling to the ground as the chair disappear and reappears in Ruthless hand, he placed the chair in front Blue.

"That's your chair brother," he said, leaving Blue heading towards one of a table with chairs, they were occupied by two werewolves who quickly stood up when Ruthless was almost at their table. The two werewolves hadn't ordered anything yet so their table was empty.

He sat down on one of the chairs and when he twisted his neck to look at his brother, he found out that Blue wasn't there again and the chain girl was glaring at him.

He couldn't bear it anymore.