Chapter 27

His Weakness (Part 3):

"Okay, whatever you are going to do is fine as long as you or Vala doesn't get hurt in the end," Pula said. She remembered the first day she had seen him in the kitchen, that was after Zelik has gone and was in school, the day Vala tried to save that dragon boy from being killed. One look at him, she knows without being told that this was 'Ruthless'. She could remember that day like the back of her palm.


"I only came here to know who Vala stays with, I am glad she's with you and not Zelik" He had told her.

"Who are you?" She asked, pretending not to know him.

"You speak through the mind? Why not with your mouth?" Ruthless asked.

"Something terrible happened to me some years ago and I lost my tongue," she responded. "You still haven't answered my question yet." She added.