Chapter 37

You Are My Obsession (Part 7):

Blue's Room;

"You really love her, I can see that in your eyes son," queen Lati said.

"Mother I truly love her and I would do anything to have her, but I am scared of Ruthless. I felt his power when he threw me, he was holding back when he threw me mother, I could feel it."

"Blue, I promise you his powers didn't I? Just be a bit patient and everything you desire shall be yours."

"Even if I don't have e Ruthless powers, having Vala by my side is enough for me."

"Oh come on son stop talking like that, she's yours already, you just have to prove it to her." Queen Lati told him. "She is really beautiful you know."


"Yes, if it isn't those cracks on her face, she would have been one of the most beautiful."

"Yes, and she is strong too."

"Don't worry son, you will have her, Ruthless will die, I assure you."

"You speak as if you've seen his future."