Chapter 39

You Are My Obsession (Part 9):

"You may be right Vala, but the question is, who can that be?"

"Maybe you should start from the beginning to look."

"I don't get you,"

"Where did you live before you came to the supernatural kingdom? Who are your mother's people, start from there and I am sure you would find the answer or a clue that will lead you to the answer." Vala told him, putting off the fire once she noticed the broth was ready, she brought two plates and put some of the broth on it. Ruthless helped her to carry the two plates to the living room and they sat down opposite each other.

"My mother never spoke of anyone in her family and when I asked her she told me she has none."

"Not that I am doubting your mother but have you asked your father that question? He might have an idea of who your mother is, he cannot just sleep with someone without knowing her identity."

"True, I will ask him but that will be after the full Moon."