Chapter 7

All the demons present, were overwhelmed by his plot and concern, while overlooking the cost of his miscalculation, as his words of concern swept them off their feet. They were yet to witness or heard of any higher ups being concerned, or not considering them as pawns on their chest board.

Strength was everything in the dark sector after all. The weaker or lower one ranking was, the more disposable one was, and most lord made it obvious, as they tend to use the lower ranked demons for sports. Making them little to no different from a human or an animal, and that was one, if not the major reason most flee to the surface (living world) to become rogue.

It was a first for them to hear such words of consideration and concern from any superior, although lord Oka was one, if not the only lord that was concern about his party members, but he has never actually shown any form of kindness, nor has he uttered words of concern, since the other lords tend to mock him for such, and charge him for going against the natural order of things, due to such all he does was to keep to himself.

The words of the general, set ablaze all doubts, as it made them felt worth something, which made more believe in the general subconsciously, as some were starting to think he was smarter than their lord to had gathered such information, and work on it, too had gone his way for the most part. While ignoring the fact that his supposed miscalculation cost the lives of two lords and parties, at least most of the party members.

In the midst of most of the demons drooling over the relayed words of the general. The remnant demons were finally at ease, believing the chances of the general hearing about their composed plot against him in order to survive, was close to zero, and if he is, as the words he relayed then, even if he did hear them, he might not act on it.

They let their mind cuddle the thought they had of the general. As they got overpowered by the knowledge, and awareness of the general, as the horrific image they had of him vanished, making space for the one before them; a gallant and concerned leader. While hoping lord Oka won't blame them for the insults he received at the hands of the general.

Lord Oka on the other hand wasn't moved by his words or concern one bit, especially when he was observing the effect of it on his men. He felt uneasy, but chose to play along, curious of what the general meant by his previous statement, and his assessment of their circumstance. Since he believed that they were nowhere strong enough to face a foe that could take on two lord and parties, and still come out on top, especially when their numbers was also a flaw to address.

"Sire, your never ending kindness and concern is one that we all thrive for, as that of your intelligence, am overwhelmed by it each time…"

"However do pardon my boldness to ask, but please what do you mean by 'handling the situation', and if you don't mind me adding…"

"Now that you've made it known that the hunters are quite a significant threat, considering the damage they've done, and you're aware that we are also short of manpower, and individual strength for an invasion... wouldn't it be wise to accept our losses and retreat, general?"

"That is indeed wise but I have a plan that will address our issues, weakness, and above all else guarantee, a floorless victory, and conquest over the city... And just so you know that is also what I meant by handling the situation… but I'll need your help for it to work" the general answered clarifying what he meant by his previous term, while addressing the pointed flaws, knowing lord Oka only asked, with hope of if what he meant by handling the situation, meant him not participating in the mission anymore.

After hearing his words, the demons raised their heads, as they kneel, in supporting his proposed invasion, without care of how to go about it, so long as he was the one in charge. They didn't even care of their lord's thoughts, or approval to the proposed invasion, which in turn forced him to comply.

Lord Oka then realize that his words, was somewhat intoxicating to his party members, making them all ecstatic about the proposal, without knowing the details of it. They were acting without his will, which was worrisome.

"Was this is plan all along" lord Oka thought knowing this could mean the general has won them over. The thought disturbed him, but he decided to suspend the thoughts for now, and just listen to the general's plan.

At the city square joining all four regions of the city, and sometime referred to as the meeting point. Far up in the sky was where the sector security city branch base was located, which looks simple from the outside, but very roomy in the inside, it was like a floating castle. It has several layers within it, with different sectors and departments, as well as rooms, halls among other structures and facilities. Its present was hidden from all not granted access, due to the barrier that keeps intruders out.

At the midlevel of the sector security base, the vice-captain, who goes by the name Micheal Godfrey, and his secretary was on their way to the main hall, after he had summoned all hunters for a quick meeting, in order to address the situation of yester night, and comprehend what was happening.

"Is everyone present in the main hall now?"

"Yes sir, both the scouting hunters and regional scouts, the sensor control chief and his deputy are also present, waiting for you sir"

"Good, we have to address this, before the situation gets out of hand… By the way the regional scouts, were the ones you said reported abnormality, right?"

"Yes, sir"

"I see, they are all recruits correct?"

"Not exactly, sir... Tobi Duncan still hasn't been ranked yet, and he was reported to be part of the people who aid in the purge… Sir"

"I see… It seem that pest still doesn't know when to back off… Hmm"

"Pardon me, sir but… I think that's because the captain appointed him to be the scout for the western region, due to his strength and skill before he left… saying his strength should be put to good use"

"What! Did you just say?"

"Am sorry… I-I…" she stuttered not knowing what to say, after witnessing his look of annoyance to her reply, as it seemed he was not aware of the captain's decision, regarding Tobi's appointment.

"I'll admit he is quite capable… But even so, having someone like him close by will only give that bastard more chances to influenced things, am certain he knows this… So, why, why does he keep people like him around… he'll only bring problems" he thought in annoyance, clinching his fist as the expression on his face changed.

"Am sorry, I didn't update you about the news sooner… I thought you knew, sir"

"It's okay, let's just focus on the situation at hand"

"As you wish, sir… Here is the hall for the meeting"

"I believe the summary of the reports are in the system, right?"

"Yes, sir, you can assess them from any of the desk in the hall"

"Good… By the way, do have the sensor control team send the lookout drones to the city, since our scouts are unavailable at the moment, just in case, and keep me posted if anything happens" he said relaying his order, just before entering the hall, after the doors to the main hall had opened, she nodded showing she understood, then head to get it done.

The doors to the main hall closed after his entry, and the meeting was about to begin, as all requested personnel were present. Making a total of 11 people, the vice-captain inclusive, leaving various seat empty as the hall was very roomy. Accommodating over 20 persons would be nothing due to the space and size.

Upon entering the vice-captain sensed a certain change in the flow of the energy of some of the scouts, who were still ordinary members. A balance of flow a bit too rapid for them to have undergone within the little time they've been here. He was curious to ask, but the issue at hand came first, and it seemed the chief of the sensor control team has also noticed the changes as well, due to the way he was looking at them.

The vice-captain proceed with the meeting, by pulling a holographic summary of the reports of yester night, made by his secretary. With the aid of a portrayal spell, used to represent content of all kind saved, transferred or stored in the tower data crystal, which serves similar purpose to a storage bank.

Afterward he asked all the scouts to skip the formalities of introduction, even as it was their first meeting with him. Instead they should just proceed with the report of what happened yester night in details, making it known that there was no time to waste, due to suspected uprising and status of things, with the divine eye as that of their shortage of manpower.

He then asked the scouts that encountered the demons in the southern and east region to be the first, to begin with their reports in details, preferable, not leaving out anything they remember regardless of how insignificant it might seem.

The members on sit understood the urgency in resolving the issues on ground, but the scouts felt somewhat intimidated by his words. While knowing they can't do anything, but complied.

"You may begin"

"Yes… Sir!" the scouts present responded, after the vice-captain had given them the order to start. None of the four scouts, who took part in the purge, were willing to step forward to report, since they were not really sure of how to go about it. And the vice-captain seemed rather intimidating, and somewhat scary compared to the captain, who had a rather warmth to him. They froze to their seats hoping one of them would take the lead, but none were willing.

"Didn't you hear me? I said, proceed with the report… Or do none of you have anything to say?"

"C'mon now, Micheal, take it easy… Intimidation at this junction will be as useful as fetching water with a basket… Just give them a moment, or pick one out of them to report… Since it would seem they're probably just overwhelmed, by your ever gentle voice and words" an old man relayed to the vice-captain, making him aware of the influence his voice, and words has on the scouts while stroking his beard.

"Hmm... Okay…You then… Emekah James… I presume… You're the one that submitted the report, correct?"

"Y-Yes, sir"

"Good then, you're to start… Begin" the vice-captain said using his inner voice, which made him soundless intimidating, as he call upon a familiar face.

Not sure of how to start, and was scared of messing up, since it was his first oral report. Emekah stood after taking a deep breath. He just let the words fall out, as he narrated what had happened to the best of his capability.

He stated, that he and his partner, Thomas, were on patrol when they sensed a malicious energy within the ghetto area of the southern region. Naturally they went to check it out, but before they could even get close, they got overwhelmed by the energy. Unable to move further, as it was difficult to keep standing, due to such they thought it wise to scope from afar, to at least see, if they could spot the cause of it, but to their surprise they saw several demons within the slumps of the ghetto.